sorry for the late update, I was at a concert (wishing it was Justin but it was not) ALSO I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE A/N AT THE END OF THE BOOK!!!!! enjoy!!
**Prim's Point of View**
I lay breathless next to Justin and my breathing is fast. My hair is messy and I'm a sweating mess. Justin's hand lays on my thigh and I shuffle to get up.
"Come on you lazy ass, let's go shower." I say.
"I'm surprised you can get up."
"Haha very funny." I say rolling my eyes.
"Just wait until tomorrow, after what just happened you'll be dead." Justin says.
I get into the shower and rinse off my body, with Justin's tall figure behind my small one.
"So, Scooter wanted me to go to an arena today and practice some songs to see how they sound." Justin says, "Do you want to come?"
"Yeah, that'd be cool."
We get out of the shower and I put on a sweatshirt Justin got me. It's a dark gray and in pink letters it says my name. And leggings, I'm not going pant less, although Justin would like that. Hah I'm funny. not.
Justin and I leave the house and when we get into the arena I sit in the front row. I play on Justin's phone while I wait for him to start.
He comes on stage and sings some songs and I wait until I hear his voice crack to say something.
"Boo you suck!" I yell.
"Like you could do any better!" he says in defense.
"Oh I can"
"Prove it."
I stand up and walk into the stage. Justin looks at me and smirks.
"What song?" I ask.
"Doesn't matter."
"Fine, I'll imitate you on stage."
I back up and do Justin's dance moves while singing What Do You Mean?. I'm pretty good if I say so myself.
Once in done singing I look at Justin.
"Not bad." he says, "For you."
"Oh no you didn't"
I chase after Justin and he runs off the stage. I jump onto his back and hit his stomach lightly.
"What the hell Prim." Justin says.
"Ha, suck it." I say not caring how dirty that sounds.
Justin throws me over his shoulder and all I see is his butt. I hit it with my hand and he pulls me back over his shoulder.
"Do you want me to fuck you so hard again, that you won't be able to walk for a whole entire week?"
"Um, no."
"That's what I thought."
Hope you guys enjoyed. Please leave some comments.••
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!So!!!! I might be writing another Justin Bieber fanfic called Suicidal and Hospitalized would you guys read it?
Yes? No? Maybe?
Do you want me to write a summary of it and post it on here for you guys???
Let me know.
Love you guys so very much.
Much Love.
xoxo ~Cassie❤️
*not edited*

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...