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Thinking of doing a time skip in the next chapter. Should I? Enjoy!

**Prim's Point of View**

I quickly open my eyes and I feel a sharp pain. I look down and see blood oozing out of my leg, above my right ankle.

"JUSTIN!" I scream.

He runs over to me and wraps me tightly in his chest. He lifts up my chin and I whimper in pain.

"Justin it hurts." I say.

He looks at me confused. I point at my leg and cry.

"Oh, baby. It's ok, come on babe please don't cry. I'll help you." he says.

He grabs a wrap from the shelf and another shot goes off.

"J-Justin." I say crying.

"Shh, it's ok. I'll fix you up." he says wrapping my ankle.

Once he's done he goes to the door and grabs Ryan's gun.

"Bitch, you can't go around hurting my girlfriend!" he yells.

"Oh but I just did." Ryan says with a smirk.

Justin glances at me and nods towards the red button that calls the nurse. I push it quickly without Ryan noticing.

Runs comes over to me and I start to cry harder. He grabs my ribs and squeezes them. I scream and start to cry. Justin pushes Ryan off me and punches him in the jaw.

The nurse rushes in and Justin is pinned to the wall. Justin punches his stomach and Ryan releases him.

The nurse grabs a needle and injects Justin and Ryan.

"Why'd you inject Justin!" I scream at her.

She shakes her head and walks out the door. The doctor comes in and puts Justin and Ryan in chairs. He takes the gun and locks it in a drawer.

I start to cry at the pain in feeling. Te doctor comes to me and tends my wounds. He puts some ointment on my wound from the gun and puts a brace around my ribs.

The doctor decides to call the police and a couple minutes later they show up.

"Alright dear, what happened?" they ask me.

"Well, Ryan used to be Justin's friend. Ryan developed feelings for me, but I never returned those because I was dating Justin. He got mad and turned into that. He's been tracking us down and following us. Justin and I were talking and he came in and shot me. Justin tried to help but he threatened Justin and–" I stop and tears roll down my cheeks.

I just want Justin to be ok. I love him so much  and he goes through so much trouble just for me.

He's been the one paying for my trips to the hospital. I'm grateful for that. I wouldn't be able to pay them. Justin shows that he cares about me.

I just want his lifeless looking body to spring back up and run over and kiss me. To hug me so long and tight, to tell me that he loves me.

I want him to be ok. For his mom, his dad, his siblings. I don't know why I feel selfish saying this but:

For me.

**Justin's Point of View**

I wake and look at the clock, 1 a.m. K see Prim bundled up in her blankets on the bed.

I stand up and run my eyes. I walk over to Prim's bed and lay down beside her. She turns over and kisses my nose.

"Juju!" she squeals excitedly.

I laugh a little at her cuteness.

"I'm here baby girl, now let's go back to sleep." I say.

She nods her head and smiles.

She sleepily replies, "Ok, g'night Juju."

"Night baby love you."

"I l–"

She falls asleep mid sentence and I rest my head on her back.

God damn I love her so much.

Short for Justin I know.

Comment what you thought.

Btw Ryan went to jail for poisoning Prim, and just overall being a fuckboy.

Please leave suggestions!!

How long should time skip be? (weeks please)

Love you guys!

Much Love.

xoxo ~Cassie❤️

20k by October 21!

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