Here's an update! Hope y'all like it! Follow my Instagram account @cassievancouver!
**Justin's Point of View**
I quickly ran to the bathroom where Prim was. I saw a note and scribbled on it was a name: Luke.
I saw a trail of makeup and followed it to our bedroom. I saw Luke climbing out the window with Prim, her hands tied behind her back.
"You fucking bitch let my girlfriend go!" I yell at him.
"Ha! You wish she's mine now." he says and climbs out the window.
I rush to the window and I try to grab her leg but he starts to slide down the pipe.
"I'll find you, you bitch." I yell.
I grab my key card and keys and I run to the stairs. I slide down the railing and run to the rental car. I text my mom.
Me: mom prim got taken but a man named Luke come to Paris I'm calling the police.
My mom doesn't answer right away so I follow this car that had rope showing out the back.
I follow it but it pulls into a grocery shop. I see that it's an old man returning rope. I'm an idiot.
**Prim's Point of View**
Luke throws me in the car with other boys. I look at them and they smile.
"She's a good one" a man says.
"She'll be a good fucker." another says touching my butt. I quickly bite his leg and he screams.
"How old are you?" Luke asks.
"Not old enough to fuck." I say.
"Tell me now or your punishments will be worse." Luke says.
"I'm 18." I say.
"You're old enough."
I lay my head down on a blonde haired boys lap. I'm tired and I just want to sleep. I want to be with Justin.
I black out and when I wake up I'm in a house. I look around and see all 5 of the boys watching tv.
I go over to them and punch them all in the back of the head.
"Yo girl. Calm down babe." one says.
"Don't call me that!" I yell.
He comes to me and pins me against the wall.
"You listen to us. You better listen or your punishments will be brutal and I'll make sure of it."
He it's his lips on mine and I don't kiss back. I want Justin, his lips, everything about Justin I want.
"Boys introduce yourself." Luke says.
"I'm Calum"
"I'm Nolan."
"And I'm Liam."
I look away and try to move. But being tied to a chair, it's hard.
I hear a knock on the door.
"Prim, come."
"How? I'm tied to a fucking chair." I say.
Luke comes over and unties me. He pulls me to his chair and he sits down. Luke pulls my body in between his legs.
I sigh and just put the back of my head on his shoulder. I'm tired, I just want to go to bed, and I just want Justin.
His friends come in with girls. They start to giggle and and they all stare at me. I sit up but Luke lays my head back down. I sit up again and Luke sucks on my neck this time. I elbow him in the stomach and he grunts. Luckily I don't feel any hickeys besides the one I got from Justin
One of the girls comes up to me and grabs my hand and pulls me to her. She tries to kiss me but I put my hand up.
"Ok I'm not kissing you." I say. I'm straight not a lesbian.
"Kiss her now." Luke orders.
"No I'm straight." I say.
"Entertain us now. Or your punishment will be bad tonight." he says.
I grab the blondes neck and I smoosh our lips together. I tackle her on the ground and she puts her tongue in my mouth.
Sorry if it was bad. Tell me if you liked it though. Um I don't know what else to say.Follow my friends Twitter I tweet on it mainly: @slaytlyn_21
Follow my insta: @cassievancouver
Comment ideas.
Was it good?
Love you guys!!!
xoxo ~Cassie❤️

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...