Here's your update for today!! Sorry it took the whole day! Enjoy!
**Prim's Point of View**
I see the doctor come in with that person, Justin?
"Please sir, she doesn't remember me. I need her. I need her back with me!" he says.
He comes over to the chair next to my bedside and sits down.
"Are my parents coming?" I ask, hopeful.
"No, they're in Italy. Your dad, he said your memory doesn't matter, you don't matter anymore." he says softly.
"H-he did?" I stammer. Justin nods.
I start to cry realizing a memory my parents left me this morning to go to Italy.
"Why am I here?" I ask.
"Because you were at my house and you told me that you missed the step in front of you and fell. You have 3 broken ribs which the doctors say are healing nicely. Also when you passed out in the back seat of my car you had a memory black out so you can't really remember much" Justin tells me.
"Oh" I say.
"Do you remember anything?" he asks.
"I think" I say and he sits up.
"What do you remember?"
"Well for starters I remember my shitty parents leaving me in the middle of the night like usual. I also remember how we starting talking. Plus wen I passed out and what you yelled at me." I say and he raises an eyebrow.
"I'll be back" he says.
Justin walks out the door and he gets a doctor I try not to hear but I eavesdrop anyways.
"Um did you give her the antibiotics yet?" Justin asks the one doctor.
"No why?" the doctor replies.
"Because she just told me things that she remembers." he says. The doctor raises his eyebrow.
**Skips to MRI**
The doctors wheel me into the machine and tell me to lay still. After about an hour of deafening noises I'm done.
"Ok honey, here's the news." I gulp and he starts, (READ ALL OF WHAT THE DOCTOR SAYS) "The MRI scans show your ribs are healing just fine and you will only have to wear a brace for 2-4 weeks, nothing major. But the brain scans are iffy. Why your remembering some stuff is because you have a small bump on your brain, which can trigger some memories. But we have to remove the bump and if we don't that can result to cancer. We will be treating you with an antibiotics the only side effect is just you'll be tired. Which you'll be given twice in the evening. At dinner and before bed. Your bed time is 9:30 at the latest dinner is at 5:00. That antibiotics should work but there is a chance it can fail. If indeed it does so we will give you three antibiotics and people from your childhood will come to come visit you, hopefully seeing their faces memories will come back. The only side effect for that is anger and sometimes and outburst of violence. Some of this can lead to sexual approaches or activity also known as sex done so by you which we will help control you not to do so but other wise this stuff is completely harmless. I say that this is worth the risk and your friend Justin here will help you through this as he's pleased to do so. You will have priorities though. You cannot have any drugs, which you don't do or any liquor or anything. But you're only 18. You have to follow the guideline diet and schedule you'll be given. You cannot have sex while being in this condition with your ribs and memory problems. If you do have sex that can injure your ribs if you do something during sex. As for your memory during sex it might feel good to you now but it will harm you later if you overfill with that 'good feeling' you will not remember anything. More information will be given to you later. That is all for now thank you."
I let all of that sink in, ribs healing, brace, some memories, bump, remove bump, cancer if not done so, antibiotic, stronger if fails, sexual activity, no sex, all that stupid stuff.
I never even planned on having this happen. I wait for dinner to come and eat the meal specialized for me to eat and take my antibiotics, the first one that only makes me tired. The doctor later told me after my MRI that I have to take this for 5 days if it doesn't help then we move into the other antibiotics.
I hope everything goes alright...
Hope you've enjoyed the chapter for today I know it was longer but leave comments and VOTE for my book/chapters!Chapter Question: Will Prim recover ok?
Leave comments! I'll love to hear what you have to say!
love you all who read my story!
xoxo ~Cassie❤️

Texting Justin Bieber
Fiksi PenggemarPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...