Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...
I finally finish up what I'm doing and decide FaceTime the love of my life. I call her and she picks up.
"Hey baby girl." I say.
"Hi Justin"
"What's the matter." I ask.
"Nothing, I just miss you."
"Aw princess it's ok." I say, "I'll back before you know it."
"I guess." she says.
From er expression I can tell she misses me. I wish she could've come but it said on the letter I received that I was the only one allowed to be coming.
I miss her too. She's what makes me whole. I adore her so much I can't be without her.
"Where are you?" I ask not recognizing where she is.
"Cameron's." she says.
I nod my head and give her a smile.
"It's so boring here without you." Prim says.
"I know I am pretty great." I say pretending to flip me hair.
She laugh at me and I smile seeing her laugh. It's the most beautiful sound you could ever hear.
**Prim's Point of View**
"Do you know when you'll be back." I ask Justin hopeful that he's going to be back soon.
"I'm not sure." he says.
I sit there for a couple of seconds feeling sad. I wish Justin would be here with me.
I can't fall asleep without him. Not being in his arms I don't feel safe.
"How'd you sleep last night." Justin says looking to his right.
"I didn't sleep." I say quietly fumbling with my fingers.
"Baby you have to sleep."
"I couldn't." I say.
His expression fades at what I'm saying. I get up and grab my clothes and change.
I get into my bed and yawn. I set my laptop down and stare at Justin.
"Prim!" I hear Cameron yell.
"You ok?" he asks.
"Yeah I'm just talking with Justin."
I focus my attention back on Justin and he makes a weird face at me.
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I laugh at Justin and he smiles.
"You should go to bed baby." he says.
"But I want to talk to you."
"I know." he says, "But you need to go to bed. I can see your tired. We can talk tomorrow."
"Can you stay on FaceTime until I fall asleep?" I ask him.
"Of course."
I lay down on my bed and blow Justin a kiss. He does the same and I close my eyes.
"Feeling like I'm breathing my last breath." Justin sings lightly.
I smile and drift off to sleep listening to Justin's beautiful voice.
******* Hope you all enjoyed. Please leave some comments.
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When should Justin come home? What should happen next chapter?
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