Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...
Writing this starting to get tired so excuse the mistakes...hope you enjoy the chapter!
**Justin's Point of View**
I smile at Prim and walk out of the room to get my MacBook. I go back into the room and Prim looks at me.
"Let's see, where can we go to dinner?" I ask searching restaurants close to us.
"How about something Italian, maybe?" Prim says and I smile.
I look for Italian places and I find one that we decide to go to il Fornetto.
"Make sure to wear something nice it's almost a 5 star restaurant." I call after her.
"Ok I will!"
I wait for Prim to come to the living room. About 10 minutes later Prim comes in and I look at her in awe.
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"If you don't mind me asking why do have so many black dresses? But you look stunning as always."
"It was always my mom order so I have a ton of black. I barley have an color in my wardrobe." she says.
"That will change soon." I say.
**Dinner Ending**
I finish up my pasta I got and look to Prim who is not eating anymore.
"You good baby girl?" I ask.
"Yeah I'm fine just full I guess." she says laughing.
I look at her and smile. The waitress comes and picks up our plates. See comes back and puts the bill on the table.
I pick it up before Prim can grab it.
"Let me pay!" she says reaching for the bill.
I pull it away from her, "No this is my treat to you." I say.
She glares at me, "You're gonna pay for it later."
I shrug not caring and I pay the bill. We walk out and look at the city lights for a while until we decide to call it a night.
We start to walk back to the hotel which is a 45 minute walk considering where we walked to.
"Hold on" Prim says pulling out her phone dialing a number. "Hi Emmet! This is Prim! ... Yeah he was. ... It was so cute. ... Uh huh yep! ... Yes! We are outside this candy shop let me see what the name is... Yeah that's the one! ... Ok see you soon!"
"Who was that?" I ask.
"Oh Emmet!" she exclaims and I nod my head, "He was my taxi driver to your hotel and he gave me his card so I could get a ride anytime I needed one. He's really nice you'll like him and his daughters are Beliebers!"
A taxi pulls up and a guy walks out. I'm glad to see he's in his forties because I didn't want him to be this younger guy.
Prim walks up to Emmet and gives him a hug.
"Emmet this is Justin."
"Nice to meet you sir." I say.
**At Hotel**
We walk back up to our room and I grab Prim by the waist, bringer her closer to me. I pull her onto my lap and I lay down. She snuggles into my side for a while but she finally breaks the silence.
"I should go shower off before bed." she says.
"Ok I'll be here" I say going on Twitter.
A couple minutes later Prim walks out.
"Hey! Is that my shirt?" I ask seeing her wear my Metallica shirt.
She starts to giggle, "When I was walking to the bathroom, I stole out of your suit case when you weren't looking."
I look at Prim. My shirt is like a dress on her. It comes down to about halfway down her thigh.
We both climb into bed. I kiss her and she snuggles up into me. Her chest on my ribs with her head close to my neck.
We're about to fall asleep when her phone starts to ring.
"Uh my mom." she says, "Hello?"
********* Yay a second update! Hope you all are doing great! I'm tired so sorry if there were any mistakes.
I woke up early to my dogs barking. It sucks.
Anyways I should probably go to bed. My eyelids keep opening and closing!
Chapter Question: What do you think Prim's mother is upset about?
I didn't really full decide yet so please please please comment I'd love to hear your idea so I can think out side the box!
"Big box, little box, catboats box" *says in mind like James Corden while doing the hand motions*