Hope you guys enjoy!
**Prim's Point of View**
"Come on Justin" I whine.
"I'm good."
"You're walking so slow! Pick up your speed grandpa." I say nudging him.
"Baby girl, we'll get there when we get there." he says.
I groan and stop. He continues to walk and I go behind him. I step on the back of his shoe and it falls off.
I laugh to myself and Justin spins around. My eyes go wide as he lunges at me. I duck out of the way and trip him.
"Ok, ow." he states.
I shrug and get up. I continue to walk away from him and a couple seconds later large footsteps come thundering behind me.
"You better run."
I try to run but his arms wrap around my body. I let out a small scream and he starts to laugh.
"Let's go, Disney here we come."
I follow Justin out to where Mikey was waiting for us. I get in the car and Justin climbs in after.
After 15 minutes of me whining and asking "are we there yet" a million times we get there.
I quickly get out of the car and look at everything. I stand there dumbfounded at what I see and Justin comes over to me.
"Close your mouth, you'll get flies in there." he says pushing my jaw up with two fingers.
I jump on his back and he runs to the entrance. I hand the guy my ticket and he just laughs.
Justin pulls out fast passes and we run to the first ride. We quickly get on the ride and people take pictures of us.
We leave the station and zoom over the track.I grip Justin's hand and scream. He just looks and laughs at me the whole time.
**Justin's Point of View**
We get off the ride and I take Prim's hand. We exit the little gate and people start to swarm us.
"Please just give us some space." I say.
They just keep coming towards us getting closer. I push through the crowd and my body guards come and surround us.
I take out my phone and go onto Twitter.
@justinbieber: if you see me and my girlfriend don't bother us please, I'm just trying to give her the best Disney experience she can have
I don't want to say Prim is my "bride to be" right away. I don't think it's the right time.
I shut my phone off and look up to Prim heading to the gift shop. I walk in and wrap my arms around her, resting my head on her shoulder.
"Ok, so I was wondering, when will I meet Esther? I saw Pluto and realizes I haven't met Esther." she says, "Or Todd!"
"When we head back to L.A you can meet them." I say.
I kiss her cheek and we continue to look around. After finding nothing we head back outside.
We ride some more rides and time flies past. We grab some food and walk around. Everyone stares at us and it's actually annoying.
I don't have my body guards with me and I don't want to risk Prim getting hurt. I pretend not to notice them and I focus back on Prim.
"What should we do now?" Prim asks.
"Have we ridden Space Mountain yet?" I ask her.
She shakes her head no and we start to head towards the ride.
It's only 7:00 but we decide to go back to our hotel. Prim grabs the suitcase and I check into our room.
We head up and settle in. I quickly shower and change into some clothes to sleep in.
I go in bed next to Prim, pulling her closer to me. She curls back into my chest and we drift off to sleep.
I've been to Disney once. But I want to go to Universal.Leave ideas!!!
Please comment and vote.
More coming
Love you guys!
Much Love.
xoxo ~Cassie❤️

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...