Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...
Second update for the day! Who's excited? (lol, like none of y'all)
**Prim's Point of View**
We pull into the buildings parking lot and step out. A line of girls, wearing Justin Bieber merch, scream and video tape us.
Why do they have to video tape? I know this for a fact, Justin would love to see their faces and not their phones.
We keep walking, none of them really bothering us.
"Justin?" I whisper.
"Yes baby girl?"
"Can we stop to see that girl?" I say pointing to a girl in a wheelchair.
Justin nods his head and we walk over.
The girl immediately smiles at us and does a little dance in her chair.
"Hi!" I say.
"H-Hi!" she says.
Justin goes down to her level and hugs her. She smiles and blushes.
"Are you going to the private concert tonight?" Justin asks.
"No, I wish. We parents can't get tickets, my chemotherapy is already enough money." she says looking at her Justin shirt.
"What's your name?" Justin asks.
"Come on Autumn, we're going to talk to my manager. We're going to get you som tickets." Justin says.
She smiles really wide and we go inside. Mikey waits with Autumn while Justin and I talk with Scooter.
"Prim, how are you feeling?"
"Eh, ok, still an iffy." I say.
"Well Justin sent me the list of what you can't do. You can't dance so you will have to sit in the pit with tickets I got you. Mikey will be there so you should be fine." Scooter says.
I nod my head. I'm a little mad and frustrated. I love dancing, I love dancing for Justin. But if he has a replacement her hands will be all over him.
**Before Private Concert**
To recap what happened, after I met with Scooter we got Autumn tickets. She looked so happy and I'm really glad she'll be going.
I won't be sitting by her though. I wish I was she seems really sweet.
I wait for Justin to come out of sound check. I'm not allowed to go. I'm not sure why.
Karla comes in the room and smiles at me.
"Hey honey! I'm going to help you pick out your outfit for tonight. Since there will be other celebrities you will want to look your best. Justin had some suggestions too."
A half hour later I'm all ready and Justin comes in.
"You look beautiful." he says.
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I leave to go to the pit with Mikey and say bye to Justin.
"Good luck, you'll do great!" I say and kiss his cheek.
I pass someone but they stop me.
"Hey! Are you Prim!" he says.
"Um, yeah. Who are you? I can't see you in this lighting." I say.
"I'm Usher, Usher Raymond." I see an out line of his hand and shake it.
"Nice to meet you."
I go to my seat which I won't really be sitting in. It's a temporary seat and you can move closer to the stage.
An intro starts for Justin and Mark My Words starts to play.
**Skip Time**
The whole time I've been singing along and Justin constantly looks at me. Every time I smile and blush.
An intro for Be Alright starts and Justin's voice booms through the speakers.
"This song goes out to my beautiful girlfriend, who can't unfortunately not dance with us tonight. She's standing in the crowd watching me tonight. I love you Prim." he says coming over to me.
He sits down on the stage with his guitar right in front of me and starts to sing.
After the song is over he leans down and kisses me perfectly. The crowd cheers and I hug Justin.
My voice accidentally goes into his microphone and it booms over the system, "I love you Justin."
********** Yay! Second update.
Today it was so weird. I wore a dress and it was black on top and pink on bottom. With drawn lace seat ails in black. Anyways when I went into the shower it made my armpits black. It was so weird. Excuse my weirdness...