Enjoy! Ideas from KellerSalvatore included in chapter.
**Prim's Point of View**
After dinner we go outside to head back to our cars. Justin rubs my hand as my fingers are laced with his.
"Hey do you guys want to watch a movie?" Mya asks.
We all agree. I go into Justin's car and we pull away from the restaurant.
"That Sam guy, I don't think he's a right fit for Mya."
"Me neither, something just seems off about him."I say.
We stop back at Justin so he can grab some sweatpants and a hoodie to put on.
He comes back out to the car in black sweats and a read hoodie they says "Bieber" on it.
We drive back to USC and go to her dorm. She opens it and looks at Justin.
"Where'd you guys go?"
"Back to Justin's so he could change."
We walk in and I notice Sam isn't there. Probably went back to his dorm to change. I sit down on Mya's bed.
"Do you not have a roommate?"
"I do, she's just visiting her family this weekend." Mya says.
Justin gets up and goes to the bathroom. Mya looks at me with this weird look and she starts.
"Ok let's get real her."
I look at her confused.
"Have you and Justin, you know..." she trails off and I don't want to answer.
"What?" I say acting confused.
Justin comes out of the bathroom and Sam enters the dorm.
We pull out a couch and set it up in front of the tv. I sit by Justing, who's on my left, and Sam is on my right.
"What movie are we watching."
"I don't know, some horror film." Mya says.
I groan, I don't like scary movies. They just freak me out. I lay on Justin's side and prepare myself to be scared.
An hour into the movie my head is buried into Justin. His arms are wrapped around me. I wince at blood splattering everywhere and screams.
Justin pulls me close to him and I feel a hand on the bottom of my thigh. It's probably Justin's.
A little while later the hand starts to squeeze my ass. I look down and see that is Sam's hand.
"What the hell?" I shriek.
I stand up and punch him in the face. He grabs the left side of his face and Justin comes to me.
"What's the matter babe?"
"He was squeezing and putting his hand up my ass!" I yell.
"What the fuck man!" Justin yells.
"Sam, how could you?" Mya says getting up.
"Well our relationship wasn't even going anywhere so—"
"So you try to get in mine!" Justin yells.
I tug on Justin's arm, "Justin I want to leave."
"Ok baby girl, lets go." he grabs my hand but lets go.
He punches Sam and turns towards me.
"Grab your stuff and let's go."
I gather my things quickly and I follow Justin out of Mya's dorm. I knew this was a bad idea, but I came anyways.
We get in Justin's car and I lay back in the seat. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep. A couple minutes later my phone buzzes and I look down.
I still have your number sexy doll face😏
Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know it was a slow update and I didn't update yesterday.Yesterday I was really busy and I got really tired I forgot.
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So close to 20k! Only 200 to go!
Thank you guys so much!
Love you guys!
Much Love.
xoxo ~Cassie❤️

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...