I'm writing this in the airport so hopefully I can update before my flight but if this goes up tomorrow that's good too! Enjoy!
**Justin's Point of View**
"Prim are you ok?" I ask her at the stoplight. I turn around not hearing her answer to see her passed out on the seat. "Shit"
I quickly drive to the hospital and run in.
"Hi I called about my friend, she fell on her ribs, and she's passed out in the back of my car" I say quickly.
"SOMEONE GET A GURNEY!" she yells.
I run to my car and open the back door. The doctors come and I help lift Prim onto the gurney. The wheel her inside and I lock my car and follow.
"Sir, you can't go into the medical room please sit here"
"You don't understand her parents-" I get cut off as try close the doors.
I sit down and sigh.
This is not how her weekend should've gone.
**Skips to When Justin is Allowed to See Prim**
I sit in Prim's room waiting for her to wake up. Prim's eyes flutter open and I quickly stand up, rushing to her.
"Prim, baby, are you ok?" I ask.
"I-I don't know" she says, "Who are you?"
"Justin, you know me" I say, confused.
"I don't have a friend named Justin" she says.
"Your my best friend! Im a pop sensation! JUSTIN BIEBER! I'M JUSTIN BIEBER!" I yell.
"Why would a pop sensation want to be friends with a loser like me!"
"You're not a loser! Your adorable, funny, smart, talented, cute, and way more!" I say.
"Yeah sure." she says and turns over.
I walk out into the hallway to get a doctor.
"What wrong with Prim" I ask.
"Well she has three broken ribs and when she past out her memory must've blacked out."
"She'll be ok though right?" I ask.
"Slim chances, Mr. Bieber" he says, "Very slim."
That sinks in and I run to the desk.
"Pull up a medical document of Prim now"
"Are you her guardian or parent?"
"Do I look like I would be her father. HELL NO! I'm her friend pull it up now" I yell.
She sighs and does so.
I call her dads phone number and no one answers so I leave a message.
"Hey this is Justin I'm your daughters friend, she came over so we could hang out. No we are not dating. Anyways Prim went to put something upstairs and she fell on the steps. She has three broken ribs and lost her memory when she passed out in the back seat of my car and there is slim chances of her memory coming back. I really hope you get this I'm going to call your wife now"
I call Prim's mother and she doesn't answer with and I leave her a message.
I go to the doctors.
"Do whatever you can to help her I will give you $2,000 just fix her"
"Mr. Bieber I can't promise anything. We will give her antibiotics to help her memory and hopefully her memories will come back. There's no promise sell recover to her normal self."
I get a phone call from Prim's father.
Who are you Justin
Is this Prim's father
I'm Justin sir Prim and I are just friends
Are you coming back to see her
If her memory is lost it doesn't matter anymore we never lied to her not like she'll remember so what's the point we are in Italy now
Your daughter does matter she is like no other person I've met she treats me like I'm not who I am her memory is everything to me
Then who even are you
Justin Bieber sir
Ah the guy who gives my daughter hope because of your music by the way it sucks and it's stupid (A/N I actually love his music)
Prim is someone who matters and if you don't care I don't give a fuck I do so back the shit off
Don't talk to me like that don't swear at me
Just did you dîck********
Oooohhhhh Prim's father doesn't like Justin!!! Comment what you thought.Chapter Question: If Prim's memory doesn't get better how will that effect Justin's life?
Leave a comment so happy I updated before getting on my flight!!
love you all who read my story keep reading!!!
xoxo ~Cassie❤️

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...