Sorry it's a late update I went bike riding today and my butt hurts! Let's take a moment to pray for me and my ass! Dear Lord we pray for Cassie that her butt feels better after riding 20 miles and that her wrist and stomach feels better, in Jesus's name Amen!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Thank you!! Ok here's your update!!!!!!
**Prim's Point of View**
Justin and I walk off the plane, him holding my hand because I'm so tired. He's pulling me along and I almost fall asleep.
"Prim, stay awake my friend Meajor should be here waiting for us, you can sleep in the car." I nod my head.
We got to the baggage claim and wait for our suitcases. Once we get them we walk outside and wait for Meajor (don't know if I said this but sorry for any errors in spelling) to pick us up. Justin finds Meajor and leads me through everybody to his car.
"Justin!" Meajor says giving him a "bro-hug", "And who's this?"
"Ah, this is Prim." Justin says gesturing at me.
I smile and wave, "Hi, nice to meet you"
"So this is the famous Prim I've been hearing about?" he says while shaking my hand and I feel myself blush.
Meajor helps us with our suitcases and I climb in the back, Justin sitting in the front.
"Prim's tired so she'll probably fall asleep in the back." Justin says.
I feel myself drift to sleep after 15 minutes and hope I don't pass out.
**Skips to When They Get to The House**
"Prim wake up!" I hear Justin say shaking me awake, "Ya good?"
"Yeah, just a power nap!" I say making my arms try to look muscular.
Justin chuckles and Meajor does too. We grab our suitcases and go to the front door.
Please like me, please like me.
"JUSTIN!!!!!!" a little boy calls excitedly.
"Jax, hey buddy!" Justin says and I awe.
"JUSTIN!!" a little girl calls.
"Jazzy!!" I smile seeing how good Justin is with kids.
"Who's that?" Jaxon whispers to Justin, I giggle and Justin smiles.
"Jax and Jazzy meet Prim." he says.
"Hey! I'm Prim it's super nice to meet you. Justin has told me all about you guys!" I say and Justin smiles seeing Jaxon and Jazzy hug me.
"Are you dating her?" Jaxon asks.
"JAXON!" Justin says raising his voice.
"Justin" I say grabbing his arm, "It's ok, don't worry about it, it's nothing and sweetheart," I say turning to Jaxon, "No we aren't dating and your really cute!!!"
Jaxon smiles shyly, "You should ask her to be your girlfriend she's super nice and pretty and thinks I'm cute!!" he whispers.
"I'll think about it." Justin whispers back and ruffles his hair.
After dinner Jaxon and Jazzy go get ready for bed and Justin starts to say something,
"Sorry about Jax-"
"Justin, don't apologize about your siblings they're adorable and you don't need to be sorry for anything they're little kids and I love them so much." I say interrupting him.
**Skips to Jaxon & Jazzy's Bedtime**
I walk into Jazzy's room to say goodnight when I'm about to leave she stops me.
"Justin really likes you I can tell" she starts, "You make him happy and when you left to unpack Justin got sad, you make him feel like he's a regular guy. Thank you for that. I want you to stay and be apart of his life."
"Awe thank you sweetie! You're so cute and Justin loves you so much and I do too!" I give her a kiss in the forehead and leave.
I walk over to Jaxon's room and I stop seeing Justin still in there.
"What did you think of Prim?" Justin asks.
"She's really nice and pretty. I can see how happy you are with her, you should ask her out."
"I've been thinking and I might. Now go to bed we are going to have lots of fun tomorrow" I smile at Justin's response. He's only 22 and I'm 18 a 4 year difference who cares.
"Can you sing me a song"
"Sure little buddy! What song?" Justin asks.
"Life is Worth Living" Jaxon says.
"Ended up on cross road-"
I have to sneeze really badly!
Justin look up at me and smiles and Jaxon laughs.
"Uh sorry I was uh- um coming to say goodnight." I say trying to sound as convincing as I can.
Justin and I finish up our goodnight to Jaxon and we leave the room.
About 10 minutes after I lay in my bed I hear a soft knock and look up to see Justin.
"Hey can I lay in bed with you, I can't fall asleep." Justin asks.
I pay next me, "Come on in." I say before realizing how dirty that sounded.
Justin chuckles and pulls back the covers and lays next to me.
Justin pulls me closer to him and I cuddle into his side, putting my head in his chest.
"Prim wake-" I hear.
"MEAJOR!!!!" Jaxon and Jazzy yell. I don't even bother to move.
I hear footsteps and hear Meajor, "What the fuck." he mutters.
He pulls back the covers and instantly I stir awake, cold.
"Prim what were you doing?" Meajor asks.
"Me? I wasn't doing anything, he came in last night because he couldn't fall asleep and I guess we fell asleep." I say honestly.
"Don't hit on my friend."
My half smile drops. I want trying to hit on him. We just are friends who fell asleep like that by accident. I look at Justin who is still sleeping. I look back at Meajor who has an angry expression on his face.
"I'm sorry!" I say and start to cry, "I didn't mean to and I never wanted to hurt feelings."
At the sound of me crying Justin wakes up and looks at me. Justin wraps his strong arms around me.
"What did you do to her?" Justin asks furious.
"She was hitting on you!" Meajor says.
"No she wasn't it was my fault. I came into her room last night because I couldn't fall asleep and I pulled her closer to me. Don't take it out on Prim take it out on me"
Oooooohhhhhh!!!! Ok I don't know if this is good please leave a comment telling me if you liked it!!!A longer update for making you wait!!! Please VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, ADD TO YOUR LIBRARY!!!!!!
Chapter Question: how old do you think I am base on my writing skills?
Please comment and vote!!!!
Love you all so much!!!!!
xoxo ~Cassie❤️
Word count 1,103!!!

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...