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Yay! Update! I'm writing this on the way back from the waterpark. This random guys hand touched my ass I turned around and glared at him.

**Prim's Point of View**
**Next Day**

I wake up and look at the clock, 6:45. I get up and go downstairs. I turn on the stove and grab a pan.

I make pancake batter and start to make pancakes. I feel Justin's arms wrap around my waist and I smile.

"Good morning." I say flipping my pancake. (I stink at flipping pancakes. I almost flipped it out of the pan.)

"Good morning. What do you want to do today?" Justin asks.

"I'm going to the gym." I say.

"I'll go with you."

I nod my head and put my pancakes on a plate. I turn away to grab strawberries and when I look back Justin's eating my pancakes.

"Hey those were mine!" I shout at him.

"They're mine now." Justin says biting into a pancake.

I throw a strawberry at him and he gives me a cold stare. He gets up and I run to the living room.

"Get back here!" he yells.

"Never!" I shout back.

He runs after me and I whack him with a pillow. I giggle and jump up on the couch. He grabs my arm and picks me up.

"Justin! Put me down!" I yell.

He carries me upstairs and lays me down in the bed. He tickles me and I start to laugh.

"J-Justin! I left the stove o-on!" I say.

He holds up a finger and runs out of the room. A couple seconds later he comes back up with a pancake in his hands.

Justin hands me the pancake and I take a bite. I go into the closet and I grab a pair of black under armor shorts and a pink tank top.

I put it on and go into the bathroom. I finish my pancake and brush my teeth. I pull up my hair and grab my duffle bag.

"Let's go!" I say to Justin, "Gym time."

"You never told me to get ready! Or when we were leaving."

I sigh and sit down on the bed. Justin runs into the closet and grabs shorts and a t-shirt.

**At Gym**

I know it's kinda lame to go to the gym after you've been -like- you know... but it helps me relieve stress. I'm getting better. I know that. I'm not that scared anymore.

Being with Justin helps a lot. He's there for me, he loves and cares about me, I know he'll protect me. It's nice having him around.

I get on the treadmill and start to run. I plug in my earbuds and I search videos on YouTube. I love these fancy ones.

I click on a ThatcherJoe video (Joe Sugg) and start to watch it. 45 minutes later I get off the treadmill and head over to the weights where Justin is.

"Hey! How was your run?" Justin asks picking up weights.

"It was good." I say.

"How much can you lift?" he asks.

"I'm not sure." I say and he laughs.

He hands me a 20 pound weight and I lift it over my head.

"Too easy." I say.

After 15 minutes we give up and I look at him. He notices me and puts down his water bottle.

"What?" he asks.

"I bet you can't do 50 push-ups." I say.

"Lay down." he says grabbing my shoulders.

"What? Why? No!" I say.

He picks me up and lays me down. I try to move but Justin gets into push-up position above me.

Justin starts to do a push-up and when he goes down he kisses me.

"What- are- you- doing?" I ask I between kisses.

"I might as well have a motivation." he says and smiles.

So happy this is a second update for y'all!!!! I just don't have wifi right now as I'm writing I'll post  when I'm at my house.

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Love you guys so much!!!!

xoxo ~Cassie❤️

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