Sorry if this sucks I feel like shiz.
**Justin's Point of View**
Last night was amazing. Prim and I made up and now everything is ok.
We decided today will just be a lazy day. I lay in bed listening to Prim's soft snores and her breathing on my chest.
It's 5 a.m but I can't sleep. I haven't been sleeping lately. After I told Prim I wanted a break that's when I had sleeping problems because I missed her so damn much.
I don't understand why I can't sleep. Prim and I are fine now. I look down at sleeping Prim, she's an angel.
I kiss the top of her head lightly and close my eyes, wrapping my arm around her waist.
I feel her leg move and she puts it on top of my legs. I smile and drift off to sleep.
**9 a.m**
"Wake up sleepy!" Prim calls and lightly kicks my butt.
I open my eyes and see Prim standing up, pulling her hair into a messy bun. She smiles and walks into the bathroom.
I get up and walk into the bathroom. I hear the shower running.
"Can I shower with you?" I say peeking my head into the shower.
"Fine, just a shower nothing more." she says.
I strip off my clothing and get into the shower. I step foward and hug Prim's naked body.
"I love you" I say muffled by her hair.
"Love you too."
I feel Prim smile against my skin and kiss the bottom of my neck.
We finish showering and I put on some Purpose Tour sweatpants with a black shirt.
I grab Prim's hand and we walk downstairs. I pull out my phone and text my old friend Cara.
Me: hey do you still work at Starbucks?
Cara: yeah, what do you want?
Me: it's for my girlfriend
Cara: ok well still what do you want
Me: vanilla bean frap with two pumps of raspberry
Cara: ok I'll drop it off in 10I put down my phone and go to the kitchen where Prim's making breakfast.
I hear the doorbell and I get up. I walk to the door and see Cara standing in her Starbucks uniform.
"Hey Cara!" I say giving her hug.
"Here you go Mr. Bieber!" she says handing me Prim's drink.
I thank her and she leaves to go back to work. I walk back to the table with Prim's drink behind my back.
"SURPRISE!" I yell taking her drink out from behind my back, "I got you Starbucks!"
"Aw! Thank you!" she says giving me a side hug.
After breakfast we clean up and I plop down on the couch.
I browse Netflix while Prim's in the bathroom.
She comes out a couple minutes later and I smirk at her.
"What?" she asks.
"Nothing, come on, I picked a movie out." I say.
She comes over to me and snuggles up into my chest.
God, I've missed this so much.
The movie starts to play and I chuckle to myself as Prim buries her head into my chest.
"Oh my god! Justin turn this off !" she yells.
"Why baby girl? Are you scared?"
"Y-Yes! Turn it off!"
I chuckle and turn off the movie. I look at Prim who is still whimpering and burring her face into me.
I pull her onto my lap and she wraps her legs around my waist.
"It's ok baby girl, I'm here."
Sorry if this just full-out sucked. I tried my best and I feel like shizzle.Thank you for reading this though if you even did.
Was it good? I'm not sure... feeling like shiz does not help me.
Love you guys!!
xoxo ~Cassie❤️

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...