Enjoy guys.
**Prim's Point of View**
Yesterday Justin left and Pattie did also. Last night I didn't sleep at all because Justin wasn't here.
Today I'm going over to Cameron's because I don't want to feel alone while Justin's gone and he wants to film a video for his channel.
I finish the vlog I started for Justin and grab a duffle bag and pack some things I'll need to bring to Cameron's.
I grab Esther and my keys. I all to the car and drive over to Cameron's house.
Once I get there and open the door Esther hops out and runs to the door. I grab my stuff and ring the door bell.
The door opens and Cameron gives me a hug.
"Hey, sorry 'bout Justin." he says.
"It's ok." I say.
We walk into his house and I see one his friends.
"Prim this is Nash. Nash this is Prim."
"Hey." Nash says.
I shake his hand and quickly put my stuff in my room. I go back out and see the boys taking paper bags out to the deck.
"Oh, hey, this is for the collab." Nash says.
I nod my head and Cameron laughs at me.
"What?" I ask.
"You might need to change." he says, "Did you bring something else."
I shake my head and follow him to his closet. He throws me a shirt and go into the bathroom and change.
"So what are we doing?" I ask.
"You'll see."
We walk out and Cameron sets up his camera. I sit down in one of the chairs and stare at all of the bags dreading what's coming next.
"Hey guys it's Cameron Dallas and today I'm with Prim and Nash. So today we are doing the Eat it of Wear it Challenge."
I mentally grown as I know what's coming. Nash picks a number first and with his luck gets canned pineapple.
He eats it right away and I pick a number next. I pick up bag 6 and open it.
"Eww clams." I say.
I hate seafood. It's gross. I got forced to eat it when I was younger and I never liked it.
"Uh, I guess I'll wear it." I say.
I open the lid and Cameron stands up and dumps the nasty food on me. I flinch and start to gag as Nash laughs at me.
I take some of the clam chunks and throw it at him.
**After Video**
"That was absolutely gross." I say.
I get laughed at and realize why. My make up smeared all over my face. Great.
I go to my bathroom and take a shower. As I'm showering I over hear something I don't want to here.
"Prim's gorgeous. How'd you meet her?" I hear Nash say.
"Just tell me."
"I adopted her." Cameron says.
"What?" Nash says.
"Shh she'll hear you."
too late for that.
"Can I ask her out." I hear.
"Dude she's getting married in 14 days."
"What the fuck, really? To who?"
"Justin Bieber." Cameron.
"Oh my gosh. That bitch of guy."
As soon as I hear that I want to run out of the shower and punch him in the stomach. Not caring I'm naked.
"Ok, don't say that about Justin. He's actually nice. If he makes Prim happy that's all that matters."
I smile once I hear this. I turn off the shower and put on Justin's Purpose Tour sweatpants and t-shirt.
I walk out and grab a drink from the refrigerator and sit on the couch. I watch Cameron edit the video.
I hear my phone go off and I look down at it. Immediately I smile.
FaceTime Request:
Hope you guys enjoyed. Please leave a comment.NOT UPDATING UNTIL I GET 15 READS, 2 VOTES, AND 3 COMMENTS.
Give an idea for a shout out!!
Answer this wedding question:
Who should walk Prim down the aisle?
A) Bryan her best friend
B) Scooter Justin's manager
C) Jeremy Justin's father
D) Pattie Justin's mother
E) both C and BLove you all so very much.
Much Love.
xoxo ~Cassie❤️
*not edited*

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...