Second update!!
**Justin's Point of View**
"No!" I scream, "Please let me see her, I need her!"
I start bang on the door and start to cry. I look behind me to see who Prim looked at.
Standing before me I see Ellen and Scooter.
"Wha-What are you guys doing here?" I stammer.
"Prim texted us" Scooter says showing me her text.
"I'm not going no matter what you say. I will cancel my tour in not going until Prim is ok." I start.
"JUSTIN!" Scooter says, "What if she never gets better you can't just quit music. You have to move on. She wants you to go on your tour."
"I need to see her before I leave." I mutter gritting my teeth.
Scooter nods his head and Ellen gives me a hug, "I'm sorry Justin"
"Prim?" a doctor says.
I stand up and raise my hand a little.
"I'm her boyfriend" I say.
I follow him back to Prim's room. I see her laying limp on her bed. I go to her and kiss her cheek gently.
"How is she?" I ask.
"She's ok, she'll most likely recover in at least 2 weeks. She might need surgery but it's nothing we can't handle. As we were rolling her back she told me to give you this." he handed me a piece of paper. I opened it.
I'll be alright. You don't worry a thing about me. I'm ok.
The doctors will help me get better everyday and I'll be with you on tour in no time.
You were right, I'm sorry. I should have listened to you about getting in the car and going to the doctors.
I guess I was just overwhelmed and stressed. If I forget everything know that every moment I was with you was like nothing I can express in words. You bring joy to me and I love that.
Go on tour and make me proud like always.
I'll love you forever and always.
xoxo, ~Prim
I finish reading the letter and I look at Prim who is peacefully sleeping. I cry and start to mumble.
"Get me a pen and paper." I say to the doctor. He nods and returns with one and I start to write a note to Prim.
I will love her until the world ends.
When I'm done writing my not Scooter comes in and tells me it's time to leave. I go over to Prim kiss her on the cheek one last time, leave the not by her bedside and walk out the door.
**Prim's Point of View**
**A Couple Hours Later**I wake up and look around remembering where I am. I look at my bedside dresser and see a note. I looked to see if it's addressed to me.
My love, Prim
I curiously look at it and open it. My jaw drops as I see who it's from. He was here. In my room? I wasn't up. I didn't get to see him. But I start to read his note.
I've gone back on tour and I hope to see you very soon.
Call, text or FaceTime me when you get a chance or anytime you need to talk to someone.
I hope you are feeling way better and know that you didn't deserve this. I'm sorry for putting stress on you.
You will always have a special place in my heart and I wish you were alright. You are a strong beautiful girl who never lets anything et in her way. Keep fighting and know I'll be here for you.
I love you with all my heart. I love you to the moon and back. I'll love you until the world ends. I love you forever and always no matter what life brings our way.
Best wishes for my baby girl,
JustinP.S Meajor will be coming to check on you in a few days, be good for the doctors and listen to them
I start to cry and reread the note. I can't believe I missed seeing Justin. There is no way I can loose this battle. I need to see Justin. I need to be with him. I can't die. I can't forget.
"Honey, we will be releasing you in a week or two depending on how you are." the doctor says stepping in.
"What's wrong with me?" I ask.
"Honey I don't want you to worry about the little things. You need to focus on the big things." he says and smiles, "Justin left you this."
I look at the package and open it. It has the first photo he ever took of me. It had other photos of me climbing the tree back to my window, my car in his driveway, when I recovered my first memory loss. I start to cry and see a little envelope.
Your first clue.
What could this mean?
Hoped you liked it! Please please please comment and let me know if you liked it!Chapter Question: what do you think 'Your first clue' could mean? What's it a clue for?
Please VOTE and COMMENT!!!
Love you guys!!!!
xoxo ~Cassie❤️

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...