Here's a second update because I feel bad I didn't update these past days!
**Justin's Point of View**
I wake up Prim seeing that we're landing."Hey, Prim, baby girl, wake up. We landed." I say and Prim's eyes flutter open. She removes her leg from my waist and smiles.
Prim gets up and something falls out of her pocket.
"You dropped something." I say, picking it up and handing it to Prim.
"Oh thank you" she says sleepily and rubbing her eyes.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Oh, I don't know" she says and opens it, "It's my school schedule I guess I didn't take it out of these pants." she says laughing.
"Fuck this isn't funny you have school tomorrow and I don't want you missing school because of me." I say standing up pacing.
"Justin, it's fine. I don't care about fucking school. I don't want to be who my mom says I should be. I want to choose my own path. If I miss school for a week who cares I've never missed a single day before. I rather be with you, my best friend."
"But wasn't college your dream?" I ask, "Didn't you want to go to college to live out your dream?"
"No that was my mom's. I don't want to go to college right away, I told her I applied for college but I didn't. I want to wait a year." she says.
"Then what do you want to do?" O say going over to her, holding both of her hands in mine.
"I want to be able to travel the world see new places and new things. Try new experiences, live out my dream to travel and explore without my mom nagging me about school work. Maybe college just isn't for me right now. I want my right now to be seeing your siblings with you and traveling around the world." she says deep in thought.
"Well if you want to travel so much then why don't you come on tour with me." I say.
"Really, you would let me come along?" she asks.
"Of course, I'll talk to Scooter, my manager and see if there's a job you could do while on tour."
She nods her head really fast, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
She hugs me really tight and gets her stuff from the extra room and gets off the plane smiling.
I'm glad she's coming with me on tour, it will give her a break from school. A break from her mother making her do things she doesn't want.
It will be fun and I'm glad Prim will be with me. She'll be by my side and she'll love being on tour, I know I do. Everyone is so nice and hopefully she likes them.
I get my stuff and follow Prim of the plane. Jaxon and Jazzy here we come!
Here you go another update just for you guys! I hope you all liked the chapter!!!Chapter Question: What job should Prim be given on tour with Justin?
Please VOTE and COMMENT!!!!!
Love you all!!!!
xoxo ~Cassie❤️

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...