27: Are you even listening to yourself Alec?

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Pierson Fodé is playing Ethan

how are yall liking Ethan? lmao😂🙌🏼

Just wanna say a quick thank you to yall for reading this book, just so you know i read all of your comments and they always make me smile😋❤️

"Are you sure about this?" Alec asked for at least, the millionth time.

"Yes, Alec. I'm sure." I said, and he sighed.

"Whose that?" He asked, looking at the leather jacket.

"Ethan's, he let me borrow it when we were in the city." I said as I went to my room.

"You were out and about in the city? Valerie, Valentine is out there hunting you down and-"

"And look at me, still talking to you." I said, and he sighed deeply.

"What were you doing in the city? At 2am?"

"I followed Ethan." I said and he furrowed his brows. "Al-"

"Look, if you still have something for the guy just say it, I can't believe that I-"

"No Alec! I don't." i cut him off. "Are you jealous?" I asked and he stopped talking. I smirked as he looked away.

"No." He said simply and I chuckled. I threw the jacket on my bed.

"There, happy?" I asked and he didn't say anything. I kept looking at him and noticed that he was about to crack a smile. "I was never into blondes anyway." I was on my feet just to whisper that to his ear and he grins.

He was about to press his lips on mine, but Izzy interrupted us. "It's Simon." She said in worry.


Simon was laying on a table in the center of the room, Clary had tears streaming down her face. And she kept on blaming herself.

"Clary-" She hugged me tightly and I was quite surprised. I then put my arms around her. She was crying to my shoulder. I realized that she was actually my sister, my half sister. I have been an only child and same goes to her. "We'll figure out a way." I said softly.

Raphael told us that Simon can be resurrected. Either bury him, or stake him in the heart. "We need to tell his mom." Clary muttered and I nodded my head.


We were sitting in the living room in Simon's house. Jace decided to tag along, but he was using a glamour. Elaine came back with drinks.

"I haven't heard anything from Simon since yesterday.
And he flipped out on Rebecca and I. And then just disappeared." She explained as she puts down our drinks. "Have you heard from him? Or have you seen him? Should I be calling the police?"

"N-no! No, don't do that." I said, wiping my tears away. Jace was looking at us with a worried look.


The three of us went inside of Simon's room to get some of his belongings, Clary said that she needed something that reminds him of her. Clary was fucked up, she couldn't stop crying, and neither could I.

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