Needing To Escape

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Kopa shook his head and hug me. "Don't blame it on yourself. You are not responsible for your mother's death. I'm sorry but she had what was coming for her. Someone who has that much hatred doesn't really belong anymore. It's okay!"

I lay my head on his shoulder sobbing. I've been hurt for so long. I just needed to let it all out and that's what exactly I am doing.

I disobeyed my own mother...

What on earth was I thinking then?

I finally stop crying and sniffed.

"U okay now?" Kopa asks.

I look up and nod. "Yeah for now. Thanks for letting me use your shoulder."

He chuckles. "Hey, no problem!"

I chuckle too then look away awkwardly.

"Soooo, want to go back to Pride Rock?" He ask.

I stand up nodding. "Yeah we can go. My friends or brother are probably wondering where I am."

Kopa joined my side as we began walking back to Pride Rock.

"Hey, Tani?"


"It's going to be okay. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here." He said with a smile.

I smile back. "Thanks, Kopa."

Gosh, he's such a great friend!

When we arrive at Pride Rock I spot Kion talking to Aala, Kovu massaging Kiara's ankles, Mheetu flirting with Haiba, Nala talking to some of the lionesses, and my friends Dotty Spotty and Jaha laying in their normal spots on the rocks.

I walk over to them leaving Kopa behind. "Hey girls!"

"There you are Tani! We've been looking for you all morning. Where were you?" Dotty asks.

"Probably that Kopa guy!" Said Spotty.

"Mhmmmm." Jaha agreed, smirking.

I roll my electric blue eyes and join them laying on a warm rock. "It's not even like that. He's my friend!"

"Friends can also turn into lovers." Said Spotty.

"You guys have been getting pretty close lately I noticed." Said Jaha.

"Close?" I question, raising a brow.

"Yeah close! Like it guys are talking more and hanging out now. What's that all about? I thought you didn't want to get to know him." Said Dotty.

I cross my front paws and lay my head on top of them. "I didn't. But I realize he's a good guy. There's nothing wrong with him at all."

Jaha smirks again. "I see."

"You girls are ridiculous!"

Spotty looks around. "Dotty do you hear wedding bells?"

Dotty laughed at her twin sister. "Spotty stop it!"

I shake my head ignoring them. I do not like Kopa like that. He's just a friend! There's nothing wrong staying as friends?


I couldn't stop thinking about our conversation earlier thought about my past. For some reason I just can't let go of the past! Maybe a need a vacation...

I did thought about leaving the Pride Lands though...

This place just isn't for me. I still don't feel welcome here by some animals. Kiara did say it's going to take time to get use to. Well it's taking forever! I guess since I am Zira's daughter I get the most disrespect. But Kovu isn't treated that way. Maybe because he's engaged to the Princess.

This is Kovu's happiness and world.

I need to find my own and it's definitely not here...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry for the short chapter guys! 😩. I don't know why I always do this on Vitani's part. But poor girl 😭. You think leaving the Pride Lands is what's best for her in following her past? Or should she stay for her brother's support and perhaps get closer to Kopa?? 😁😁 give me your thoughts!!!

The Lion King 3: Current EventsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora