The News/Ceremony

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Kiara and I walked back to Pride Rock.

"Mom, dad!" A voice calls.

It's Makosa, our only son now. He ran down Pride Rock. Kiara look at me sadly. I gave her a weak smile.

"He's going to be fine." I whisper to her.

Kiara nodded. Makosa tried to look behind us.

"Where's Heri? Did you find him??" He asks, excitedly.

I shook my head. "No."


"Makosa, your brother is...gone..."

Makosa's reddish brown eyes widen. "No..."

Kiara's eyes well up with tears again. "We are so sorry son."


Tears began to stream down Makosa's face as he ran off.

"Makosa!" Kiara called.

"I'll go after him." I told her.

I race behind Makosa into the plains. "Makosa, come back here!"

"Go away!" He yelled.

Makosa then tripped and fell on his stomach. I gasp and rush to his aid.

"Son, are you alright?"

Makosa stood slowly up and sobbed. "H-Heri..."

I sat down and hug him tight. "I know, I know." I cooed.

Makosa didn't have anything else to say but continue to cry on my paw. I didn't know what else to say either but sit there and comfort him.

Poor little guy...

He looked up to Heri so much...

Later on that day Rafiki the monkey came to Pride Rock. Simba and Nala wanted to give me and Kiara a small ceremony about Heri. The pride gave us their sweet blessings and hopes. We all bowed our heads and pray that he's in a good place now with Mufasa and Sarabi.

Makosa doesn't know yet about the Great Kings and Queens. Soon we'll teach him. Once the ceremony was over, I laid down on Pride Rock's ledge staring out into the kingdom thinking about Heri. I remember when I first taught him how to hunt. He was so excited and happy that day. I laugh to myself remembering the moment.


My ears twitch. It's Kiara, she came walking out of the cave.

"Yes, dear?"

"It looks like it's about to rain. You should come inside." She said.

"I will." I nod.

"Can't stop thinking about Heri huh?"

"Yeah. I was just remembering the time when I first taught him how to hunt. He was always good and a fast learner."

Kiara chuckled. I look up at her and smile.

"How's Makosa doing?" I ask.

"Better. He's out spending time with my parents. I hope they'll be back before it rains. The clouds are getting darker!" She said, looking up at the sky.

"Yeah, let's go inside."

I stand up and follow Kiara inside the cave. We may have lost one cub, but at least we still our second one Makosa. Will Kiara and I start cub making again? Probably not so soon. It'll be a long while before we ever start. What we need to focus more on now is becoming the new King and Queen.

Simba is getting older now. It's time to become more serious. Since Makosa is the only child, he'll become the new future King. I would have to teach him what Simba had taught me when he's a bit more older. For now, I'll let the cub enjoy his childhood. I just hope he'll be ready. Time is moving quick!

The Lion King 3: Current EventsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora