An Unexpected Guest

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It was a cool morning in the Pride Lands. Wild herds stood eating on tall green grass. Nearby lives a large popular lion pride. "Pride Rock" is the name. Its what we call home of the great Kings and Queens from the past. The lions are just now waking up.

In the far back inside of the warm cave sleeps the current royal couple, King Simba and Queen Nala. Beside them lays their daughter Princess Kiara and her boyfriend Prince Kovu.

"Morning already?" Kiara asks, sleepily.

Kovu nods, "Yes." He leans close smiling and gave her a lick on the cheek.

"Good morning you two!" Simba greets.

"Good morning." Kovu and Kiara say in unison.

"Today is going to be a busy day. Kovu, I would like for you to join Zazu and I on patrol today."

Kovu nod his head. "Cool!"

"Kiara, I want you to give Vitani and what use to be Zira's pride a nice tour around the Pride Lands. You know, teaching them the territories, meeting the animals that live here, and the kingdom rules."

Kiara nod her head with a smile. "Sure, Daddy!"

"Perfect! Come along, Kovu. Nala, we will be back sometime in the afternoon." Simba said, head-budding his wife.

Nala smiles. "Be careful."

Simba walks out the cave with Kovu following slowly behind.

"Seems like Daddy is really trying to bond with Kovu more." Kiara said.

Nala lays her head back down over her paws. "Well honey, that's how it's suppose to be. Especially if Kovu wants to become family soon."

"Yeah. I'm going to go find Vitani."


Kiara got up and exit out the cave going behind Pride Rock to go look for Vitani.

"Vitaaaaaniiiii!" She calls.


Vitani was talking with some of her old pride sisters.

"Good morning everyone." I nod.

"Good morning, Princess!" They kindly greet.

"My father wants me to show you all around the Pride Lands today. If that's okay?"

Vitani nod. "That'll be nice."

"Okay, let's go. Is this everyone?"

"Some of them are still in the cave." Said one lioness.

"I'll get them!" Said another.

Kiara smiles. "Great."

Vitani pulls Kiara aside. "Kiara, can I speak with you privately?"

"Uh, yeah sure. What's up?"

"I don't think your pride like mines. They give us glares and when we try to associate they back off. You, your parents, and brother are the only ones that seem to like us. I'm not feeling welcome here. Maybe it was a bad idea for your father to let us come..."

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