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*cries* That was the end of the book series 😩😭😭. It was so fun creating all three books. Man, it came a long way! Thank you guys for believing and inspiring me to write them and keep going. You taught me how to express my talent more and look where it gotten me! I've improved so much in my writing now I noticed 😄.

The next Lion King book series it's going to be SUPER fun and GOOD. I've already gotten a title and know what's it's going to be about. It's going to be kinda different from this one. It won't focus more on Simba, Nala, Kiara, and Kovu this time. I'll give it you a hint. It's going to focus more on Makosa. Yes, he's going to have his own book series. He's in the spotlight now haha 😂😂😁. We're going to know more about him and what's going to happen next. Sounds cool? Awesome!

Again, thanks for reading I appreciate it! Love you aaaaallllll!! ❤️❤️❤️ New book will probably be up sometime today or tomorrow.

Xoxo, Skyy15

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