Chapter 59

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"I'm down to please you. I'm down to taste you, babe. I'm down to come through on that late night. I'm down to get your body and your mind right. I'm down to do what he won't do..."

- I'm Down by Malachiae feat. Lloyd


Payton walked through the front door after coming home from practice and Junior appeared as he ran up to give him a hug. "Hey, Mr. Man. How was practice?" Junior asked.

"Good. How was school?"

"It was okay. Lunch was pretty nasty though," he screwed up his face and Payton laughed before bending to kiss his forehead.

"Where's your momma'?"

"She's upstairs. She was being weird today. Mr. Manny and Mr. Cyrus said she was in bed all day."

Payton gave him a confused look. "Okay, I'll go check it out. I'll be back to help you with your homework in a second."

Junior nodded before running back off to the game room. Payton went up the stairs, taking two at a time in worry. Aubrey was laying in the bed when he walked it. He walked over to her side of the bed and pushed her hair from her face. She was sweating and had bags under her eyes. She hadn't been feeling good the last few days, but today she seemed totally different. Worse.

Payton shook her to wake her.

"Hi, Pay," she cleared her dry throat. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked when she noticed the worry etched on his face. "Can you turn down the air? I'm freezing," she cuddled deeper into the cover.

"Babe, but you're sweating. What's going on? You need to go to the hospital or something?" he was extremely worried about her.

Aubrey shut her eyes and inhaled slowly. "No, Pay. I don't. I already know what's wrong with me," she whispered. This was all getting out of hand and he needed to know now.

"What is it then? I don't like when you're hurt or feeling this way. Talk to me, baby."

Aubrey slowly sat up and he moved back some to give her room. "I—uh... I should've told you a long time ago. I..."

"Babe, its fine..." he grabbed her hands. "You can tell me. I'm here for you."

"I'm pregnant, Payton," she looked up at him. His face went from shock to disbelief to red, hot anger in three seconds. "I'm having a baby. Your baby..." she whispered and looked down in shame.

"Wh..." he let go of her as if she were hot charcoal and stood up just as quick. "You weren't going to tell me? How... No, you can't be," he shook his head from side-to-side as he backed away from her.

"Payton, please don't do that," she swung her feet on the side of the bed. "Don't leave me like this. Please," she begged as tears fell harshly.

"I-I can't. I just can't. Aubrey, I need some air," he held up his hands defensively and quickly pivoted. He couldn't have left any quicker. The whole altercation happened in less that three minutes. Aubrey let her tears fall as she looked at the door in defeat.

The next week went by and Payton barely looked at or talked to Aubrey the whole seven days. He would go to practice, come home, eat, tuck Junior in, and by the time he'd leave out of his office to go to sleep Aubrey would already be sound asleep. On the weekends he was always out and about. It went like that for what seemed like forever. Aubrey grew more angry every second. Here this grown man was ignoring her about something they made together. She refused to go through this. If he didn't want to be there for her kids then she wouldn't make him. She never needed anyone before and she definitely didn't need anyone now.

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