Chapter 13

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"You say that you're nothing like the last girl. I just pray you won't let me down right now. It's too late, I'm already yours. You just gotta' promise me hearts won't break and end up like before."

- Fall For Your Type by Jamie Foxx ft. Drake


Payton did what he promised he'd do the night before. He woke up early in the morning just so he and Raymond could go get Aubrey and Junior from the shelter. He wanted them to come to his house afterwards, but Aubrey insisted on going to Austin's instead.

Austin always was out partying nowadays, even after work, so when Aubrey called she was hit with the normal migraine-groan. He didn't even realize they never made it back to his apartment the night before. She informed him that they were on their way home and would get there soon. Junior didn't want to go home because he hated being in the house all day with nothing to do. He whined and complained knowing someone would finally listen to him. Payton instructed Ray to turn around towards town as Aubrey mumbled threats. Payton smiled and squeezed her hand while she looked at Junior's sad face. She eventually sighed in relent before telling him that they could stay out for only a little while. She shot Austin a text that let him know they'd actually be home a little later. Junior was clearly ecstatic.

Upon Payton's requests, Raymond drove them to the Liberty Bell, the Please Touch Museum, and even to the Philadelphia Auto Show—that was definitely everyone's favorite part of the day. By the time it was Junior's bedtime everyone was tired and well fed. "C'mon, JT," Payton urged as they walked towards the car from the show. Junior slowly trudged over to the Cadillac Elmiraj and wiped his eyes, yawning.

"Pick me up, Mr. Man..." he groaned before stopping in his tracks and lifting his hands in the air expectantly. Payton chuckled and shook his head lovingly before doing as Junior requested. Aubrey watched as Payton cooed in Junior's ear while strapping him in his booster seat. The interaction was absolutely adorable.

Raymond opened the door for Aubrey and she climbed in. Payton got in on the other side a few seconds after. "I—" she stopped herself to regather her thoughts. "Thank you for everything you've done for us. I really do appreciate it," she looked up at him, trying to read his facial expression, but he showed nothing.

"You're welcome," he said almost curtly.

She sighed in frustration and when they pulled up in front of the apartment building she tried to open the door, but noticed it was still locked and Raymond was still driving. Aubrey looked at him in disarray when she realized he was trying to find a parking spot.

"You don't have to park. We could've gotten out right at the front," she said, but Raymond ignored her as he parked the Cadillac adeptly. When he cut the engine and got out that's when she grew really concerned. She didn't have a clue as to what was going on.

He opened her door and Payton grabbed Junior soundlessly before walking towards the front of the apartment building. She followed behind him closely, trying to figure out his next move. Payton stopped at the door and turned to look at her expectantly. She pulled her keys out before unlocking the door. Raymond held the door for them. Payton walked in and to the elevator with his head held high.

Raymond pressed the button to her designated floor and Aubrey looked over at Payton in amusement the entire ride. She hated that she couldn't read him. She had no idea what they had planned. It slowly killed her that she was clueless about their antics. They got off of the elevator when it dinged and walked to the end of the hall. Payton waited for her at Austin's door and she opened it, having told Austin to leave it unlocked since she didn't have the apartment key.

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