Chapter 4

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"Instead of making you hate me, I have to make you love me. Never thought I'd be crucified for trying to be honest. I'm done with hiding. It is what it is. No use in trying to pretend. I can't win."

- I Can't Win by Chris Brown


Aubrey blinked slowly and looked around the unfamiliar bedroom before coming face-to-face with Justin's sleeping face. Oh yea. She let out a small, melancholic sigh. There was a time when Aubrey would think he looked so cute and she'd kiss his lips chastely, but now his face simply made her stomach flip... and not in the good way. She looked down and finally noticed he had his arm wrapped around her waist comfortably. She disgustedly snatched his arm off of her and turned towards her son, who was on the other side of her.

Now, him? He was cute. Aubrey softly moved his hair out of his eyes and smiled at the at-ease look on his face. She kissed his nose and moved closer to him, as far from Justin as possible. She made the decision to sleep in the middle of the bed because she didn't want Justin to be close to her baby boy.

After a minute of just taking in Junior's beautiful features she decided that she was going to make a big breakfast. She tried to convince herself to only make enough for her and Junior, but she didn't want Justin to throw them out. That wasn't an option. Giving Junior a kiss to the forehead, she sat up and stretched out her arms and back. Letting out a yawn Aubrey climbed over Justin, careful to not wake him, and dragged herself into the kitchen. Looking on her phone clock she realized it was 8am which gave her enough time to cook and get Junior ready for school.

She had just put the last plate on the table when Junior emerged from the bedroom in his Paw Patrol pajamas. "Good morning, sleepy head," Aubrey gushed before going over to him and kissing his forehead.

"Mom..." he whined groggily and wrapped his arms around her leg. "Up," he demanded.

Aubrey shrugged him off. "Not right now, baby. Go eat so we can get you ready for school," she motioned towards his spot at the table.

He looked to where she was pointing and his eyes lit up with his tongue slightly appearing from the side of his mouth. She shook her head shamefully—on her part. He raced to the table and began to wolf down his food. He was barely even chewing before swallowing. He just kept shoving everything down his throat like a vacuum.

"Junior!" Aubrey shrieked jokingly and lightly slapped his hand down. He looked up at her as if he was going to cry. "You know better than that. Say grace," she said a little more sternly.

He groaned and slouched in his chair. She threw him a silent glare and he quickly regained his posture. He finally bowed his head, closed his eyes, put his hands together, and began whispering amongst himself.

"I can't hear youuu," Aubrey sang.

"Well, that's because I'm not talking to you," Junior snapped under his breath.

Aubrey thumped his forehead. "Don't be smart, little boy," she hissed just as Justin waltzed into the kitchen.

He looked at the food, but his eyes wavered over to Aubrey and that's when he grew hungry... Hungry for her. She was still looking at her son with a frown on her face when Justin discreetly swept her off her feet and sat her on the counter. He began kissing on her neck—not holding anything back—and Aubrey inwardly slapped herself when she moaned.

"Justin..." It came out as a whisper instead of a demanding tone like she hoped for. She couldn't let him do this. Especially not with Junior sitting right in front of them... Stuffing his face remind you.

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