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Raine's P.O.V

"Get up and go to school Raine." My mom shouted as she walked into my bedroom.

"Okay mum." I snapped back.

She is getting frustrated because this is the thrid time this morning she had to come in and wake me up.

"I will drag you out of bed by your ankles if you don't get your ass up right now!" Mum shouted and ripped the covers back.

"Mum I said okay! Now get the hell out of my room!" I shouted back just before she slammed the door shut.

I sat up in ny bed and looked at the time, 7:15. I have to be in homeroom by 8:15. I only have an hour to get there.


I walked over to my closet and picked out my outfit for the day. And it looked no different than yesterdays.


Band t-shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, and a pair of vans.

I threw my hair up in a pony tail and put on my usual make up before grabbing my phoneand my bag before walking out of my room.

I didn't even say goodbye to my mum or my stepdad before walking out the front door.

I put my headphones in and started listening to my satanic music, as the kids at school call it.

Just because I don't listen to Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus, I guess I worship the devil.

As I approached the front door the school, I saw the girls who pick on me pretty much everyday.

"Hey Raine. Where would you like to go today? Janitors closet or dumpster." Jade asked me.

"Do I really have a choice?" I asked and she laughed while shaking her head.

"No you don't. Let's go!" She snapped at me before grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the closet they always lock me in.

After she shoved me in and locked the door, I could hear her yelling about how I deserve this because of my father.

It's not like I made the decision of who my father was.

If I could have, I never would have chose him.

"Fucking freak." She said before I didn't hear her and her friends anymore.

I just put my headphones in and played my music, not even caring about getting out.

Mr. Shure, head janitor, will be here soon to let me out anyway, like he does almost daily.

The sound of Sleeping With Sirens played in my ears, and I just sent a text to my stepdad, who cared more about me then my own mum.

I don't blame her for hating me though.

Why would she love the child of her rapist?

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