12.) Should've When You Could've

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Raine's P.O.V

"Raine, I know the situation is super hard for you right now, so I am going to allow you to stay here with us. Karen an I would hate to see you living on the street." Mr. Hood said to me and I smiled slightly.

"Thanks Mr.Hood. I promise as soon as I get a job and can afford my own apartment I will be out of your hair." I said and he shook his head.

"Please don't worry about that Raine. It's really no issue having you here. Stay as long as you need to." Karen, Michael's mum said.

"You guys are the best. Seriously." Michael said hugging his mum and step-dad. He had a big smile on his face now, knowing that I can stay here where I'm safe.

After breakfast I got a text from Geoff saying that I could come get some of my stuff now that my mum has left for work. I told him I would be over soon with Michael to help me.

Michael decided we could drive down so that  it was easier to bring my stuff back to his house.

We walked through my front door and Geoff came running in to give me a hug. I gladly hugged him back while I started to cry a little into his chest.

"I'm so happy to see you're okay." He said and I nodded.

"Michael's family said I can stay with them for as long as I need. They are great people Geoff. I'm gonna like it there." I said and he smiled back at me.

"That's great sweetheart! I hope they let me visit you every once in awhile." Geoff said and Michael nodded.

"You can visit whenever you want to sir. My mum and step-dad won't mind at all." Michael said.

"Alright, well get packing kiddo. I wanna make sure you're out of here before your mum gets back and starts another fight with you." He said and I nodded heading for my bedroom upstairs.

I started off packing my laptop, make-up, and some clothes in one bag. I had Michael grabbing all my stuff out of my small drawers in the bathroom that connected to my room.

I opened my closet and pulled out a box and started looking through it until I found the article about my dad from the newspaper year ago.

I read it over and over again and just thought all about it to myself. How can someone do such a thing and just keep on living life? How can you ruin someone's life and not feel bad. It's just crazy to me.

"Raine, your mum will be home in about an hour just so you know." Geoff yelled up the stairs.

"Are you ready to go Raine?" Michael asked me and I nodded.

We started carrying out boxes and bags and putting them in the back seat of the car. We had to make multiple trips out to the car because of how much stuff I have.

"We will set you up in the guest room when we get back to the house." Michael said and I nodded.

After we walked out of the house with the last of my stuff, my mum pulled in and stared at me. She got out of the car and walked towards me and she reached out to touch my face.

"I thought you were gone for good. I'm sorry Raine, please stay." My mum said, for the first time ever, she apologized to me. 

"I'm only here for my stuff. I'm moving in with Michael." I said and she frowned.

"Why? He's a man, and men are shitty people Raine. All they do is hurt you." She said.

"He hasn't been anything but nice to me since we met. He took me in, in the middle of the night when you threw me out on my ass with nothing. As far as I am concerned you are the only shitty person here." I snapped.

"Raine, what the hell is wrong with you?" She asked me.

"You. You are my problem. You think you can throw me out and then just expect me to fall into your hands again? After everything you have done to me, I would be happy to never see you again." I sapped again and her face immediately turned to anger.

"All the shit I have done to you? You ruined my life and I still kept you! I didn't give you away, I raised you!" She yelled at me.

"No, Dad ruined your life. And you should've when you could've, you know why? Cause you ruined my childhood, everything I remember about my life is shit because of you!" I yelled and she struck me across the face.

"Go to hell." She said.

"Touch her again, and that's exactly where you will be." Michael said.

"Leave. Get out of here and don't come back." My mum said.

"Don't worry I won't."

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