1.) Finally Out of Here

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Raine's P.O.V

It's finally the last day of school, and I seriously couldn't be happier.

I know you hear that from every teenager in existance, but I think I am the happiest of all of them.

I can finally stay home all day, locked in my room, hiding from my mum all summer long.

I can think of other ways to numb the pain I go through

Most people use cutting as an escape, but not me. I tried it a few times and all it does is fucking hurt.

Yeah, I guess it helps for a litle but then for the next few days all you do is feel pain in your wrist everytime you fucking move.

So I switched to piercings. Whenever I need to release some tension, I take a needle to my skin and make another whold in my face.

So far, I have done every piercing myself, other than my ears.

Once I turn eighteen, a tattoo will be next on my list.

"Raine! You better be awake!" Mum helled through the door.

"I am mum!" I yelled back while brushing my hair.

I finished my hair and make up before grabbing my phone and leaving the house.

I didn't even bother with my bag since it's the last day of school. I won't need it for any thing today.

As I got to school, I didn't see Jade and her minions anywhere.

Maybe they didn't come today. They skipped the last day, last year.

I can only hope.

"Miss Mitchell, I was just about to call your homeroom teacher. I need you to come with me please." Mr. Hood said.

I followed him to the office and sat across from his desk, next to a boy with blue hair, who I have never seen before.

"Raine, this is my stepson Michael. He will be living here now, and he needs a friend to show him around. You two look like you'd get along." He said and I shook my head standing up.

"No thanks sir. You know I don't have friends." I said just before walking out of his office and down the hallway to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered what he meant by what he said.

We look like we'd get along?

Is Michael a freak too, is he the son of a rapist, does he look crazy too?

I doubt it.

I walked back out of the bathroom and went to class before anyone could speak to me, not that they would anyway.

I sat in my desk on my phone, like usual.

To Geoff: When does mum leave for work?

From Geoff: She has to be at work by 6. She will leave around 5:30.

To Geoff: Okay, I'm gonna find somethibg to do until then. I don't feel like dealing with her today.

From Geoff: No problem kiddo. I'm gonna order take away. Pizza or Chinese?

To Geoff: Pizza all the way. See you later.

Geoff is the closest thing I ever had to a dad, but I can't call him dad.

He doesn't deserve to share a title with the man who made me.

A/n- Incase you don't know Geoff is pronounced Jeff

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