9.) Talk It Out

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Raine's P.O.V

I walked down the street with my gym bag and my suit case, probably looking like a complete fool.

As I approached Michael's house I saw him and Calum standing on the front stoop.

Michael and Calum were both just in joggers. No shirts and no shoes.

They were pribably about to go to bed when I texted them. I probably just ruined their night.

"Raine are you okay? Your cheek is so red!" Michael asked as he ran up to me.

"She hit me. She said she never wanted me and that she never wanted to see me again." I said and Michael pulled me into a hug.

He rubbed my back as I sobbed into his chest, and he is probably disgusted by my tears running down his bare chest.

"It's gonna be okay Raine. It's all gonna be okay." He said and I shook my head.

"After tonight I'm homless. Where am I supposed to go? I don't have any family or friends. Everyone hates me." I sobbed and Michael hugged me tighter.

"I can talk to my dad Raine. I'm sure he will let you stay with us as long as you need." Calum said from behind Michael.

"Do you really think so?" I asked, pulling away from Michael.

Calum nodded and came to give me a hug too.

"I'm sorry I never talked to you before Raine." Calum mumbled and I just nodded.

I don't want his sympathy now.

"Lets go inside." Michael said taking my suit case and walking towards the house.

I followed slowly and kept quiet while Calum and Michael talked about sleeping arrangements for the time being.

I could care less where I sleep, since I probably won't sleep anyway.

Not tonight anyway.

"Raine, do you wanna sleep in ny room tonight? You can have my bed. I'll sleep in an air mattress on the floor." Michael offered and I shook my head.

"I don't wanna keep you up any later than I already have. I won't be sleeping tonight." I said and Michael shrugged.

"I don't sleep until like four in the morning anyway Raine. I will stay up and talk all night if you want to." Michael said, causing a small smile to appear on my face.

"I'm pretty tired so I will probably let the talking to you two, but I will talk to my dad tomorrow morning and explain everything. I'm sure he wont mind you staying here." Calum said and I nodded.

"Sorry if I kept you awake Calum. It wasn't my intention." I said.

"Please don't worry about it Raine. And please, call me Cal." He said with a smile and I nodded.

"Goodnight guys." Calum said before walking out of Michael's bedroom.

"Goodnight Cal." Michael said and I stayed quiet.

I sat on Michael's bed and twiddled my thumbs and stared at my feet, not saying a word.

It felt like forever since Michael and I spoke.

"Wanna talk about it Raine?" He asked.

"Not really much to say. She hates me. Always has. Always will."

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