18.) Come Home

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Raine's P.O.V

I knew from day one that they were only being nice to me because they felt bad. I told them I didn't want their pity, but apparently they gave it to me anyway.

They never did give a damn about me.

As I sit her, thinking through everything, it makes me wonder if even Geoff just felt bad for me too. What if he doesn't even wanna be my dad anymore? What if he never wanted to in the first place?

Ugh. I really do hate myself.

"Raine?" I heard a voice yell.

I don't know who it was that yelled, and I don't know why they are looking for me.

"Raine?!" I heard again, this time I could make out exactly who it was. Michael.

"Fuck." I muttered to myself as I slid my back down the tree I was leaning against.

"She couldn't have gone far, mate. We'll find her." I heard someone say.

"We wouldn't even be looking for her if you wouldn't have thrown her out on the street Calum!" Michael snapped.

"I didn't throw her out! All I said is that the kids from school knew she was there and wouldn't leave me alone about it. I haven't slept in two fucking days, mate." Calum replied. I heard Michael groan in response to that.

"She's sensitive Calum. You can't just approach her and tell her that she is causing you problems! In case you haven't noticed Cal, she has enough problems of her own! The last thing she needed to hear was that you can't deal with her being there. You should have just come to me!" Michael shouted, loud enough to make me jump.

"I never said she was the problem!" Calum snapped back.

"How the fuck did you expect her to take it when you said that the kids from school were harassing you for letting the crazy chick move in? Did you think she would giggle and be alright? That's just dumb Calum. You're fucking dumb." Michael snapped at him, Calum fell quiet after that.

I could hear their footsteps around me, which means its only a matter of time before they find me, but it's too late to run now. They would see me for sure.

"Look mate, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I was just gonna ask her to crash in your room so I could sleep in her room. Since her room was in the back of the house the assholes from school couldn't thro shit at those windows." Calum me explained.

"You should have started off with that then Cal. She wouldn't have run off." Michael said.

Just as he said that he came around the back of the tree that I was sitting by and saw me curled up in a ball, leaning my head in my knees.

I wouldn't look up to meet his gaze, but I knew he was looking at me.

"Rai-" He started.

"Don't say anything Michael. I don't need your pity. I really don't." I said through chattering teeth.

It may be summer but it gets chilly outside at night.

"Rai, please just listen to me. We don't want you out. He-" Michael started to talk again.

"He just wants me to sleep in your room. Do you really buy that Mike? He doesn't understand that, that won't help him in anyway. The kids will still talk all about how I live with you guys now. They will still tell crazy stories about me, and my father. It will never stop. Calum just did you and your whole family a favor by getting rid of me. Since the day I was born, no one has wanted me. Trust me, I'm used to being alone." I whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear me.

"I don't care about them. I couldn't give two shits about what the dicks at school think. You are a genuinely sweet, beautiful girl. You're just misunderstood. I wouldn't dream of letting you live out on the street, especially on your own." Michael said, causing a small smile to tug at my lips.

"Do you really think that?" I asked.

"Yes Raine. Do you really think I would lie to you?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"Everyone else does." I said quietly.

"I'm not everyone else. I'm me." He said.

I finally looked up at him. When his eyes met mine, I could see that he did really look genuine. Sadly, a lot of other people look like they mean what they say too, but in reality they don't.

"Do you believe me?" He asked.

"I want to." I said.

"Then c'mon. Come home." Michael said, holding his hand out for me to take. He pulled me up to my feet, and before I could protest and pulled his flannel off and draped it over my shoulders so that I would warm up.

"Mikey, you're gonna get cold." I said trying to shrug it off and give it back to him.

"I don't care. I want you to be warm." He said and smiled slightly.

"Hey Cal, I found her." Michael shouted.

"Holy shit, Rai! I'm really sorry! I didn't-" Calum started.

"Save it, Cal. Let's just get her home. She'll stay with me, take her room." Mikey said.

"I don't wanna be a burden Michael. I can go sleep in Cal's room. I've slept through much worse then a few pebbles and-"

"No. You're gonna be with me. You're not a burden, Raine. I just wanna make sure you're safe."

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