24.) You Didn't Have To

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Raine's P.O.V

"You didn't have to do that you know."

That's the first thing I have said in over an hour.

After Michael confronted them, I went silent. It was almost like I went mute for a while.

I nodded and shook my head when he would ask me questions, but nothing else.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked me.

"You didn't need to step in against Jade. I'm used to it." I said quietly.

"It really wasn't a big deal Rai. Hearing what they said to you, it pissed me off beyond belief." Michael said, sounding very angry.

"And then they started talking about Calum. And when I said I was Calum' s brother, they instantly thought would wanna hangout with them? What the fuck was that about?" Michael continued to ramble.

"Does Calum know that they are the girls who have been picking on you? Did he sleep with her knowing she was making your days at school hell?" Michael asked me.

I just shrugged my shoulders and looked out the car window.

"I'm gonna ask him. Cause if he knew about it, I swear to-" Michael started.

"Michael, please stop." I said quietly.

"I can't Raine. I just-I can't wrap my head around all this shit. You aren't your father. You will never be your father. Why does everyone think that you're this bad person?" Michael started rambling.

"Because I am Michael." I said sternly.

"No. No you're not." Michael said.

"You just have this image of yourself in your head. That's not who you really are. Forget about your parents. You're dad's a dick, your mum is a psychopath. That has nothing to do with you are." Michael said to me.

He pulled the car into the drive way and put in park. Once the car was off, I tried to get out of the car before the conversation could continue. To bad that Michael didn't like that idea.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him.

"Please Raine. Don't talk down on yourself. I like you, the real you. A lot actually. I hate seeing you upset." Michael said.

His face mere inches from mine.

"I wanna help you get better Rai. I wanna help you like yourself as I like you." Michael said.

Before I could respond, the gap between us closed.

Michael placed his lips on mine, and it didn't take long before I kissed him back.

I didn't really think about it to much. I just let it happen.

I felt safe with Michael. I was comfortable with Michael. It didn't feel like I was Raine, the rapist daughter.

It felt like I was just Raine Matthews. Just a normal girl.

Maybe this is all I needed.

Maybe he is all I needed.

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