5.) I'm Sorry

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Raine's P.O.V

After I checked myself in the mirror about fifty times, I texted Michael and told him he could come over now.

He said okay, and that he would be here in bout five minutes.

I unplugged my phone from the charger and walked downstairs and sat in the living room with Geoff until he got here.

"Is he a nice boy?" Geoff asked.

"He seemed really nice. I mean he was willing to come talk to me. Even after he found out who I was." I said and Geoff smiled and nodded.

There was four knocks on the door, and I knew it had to be Michael. No one else would be at my door.

I walked out to the door and fixed my hair one more time before pulling the door open to reveal the blue haired boy that I spoke to yesterday.

"Hi Michael." I said and he smiled.

"Hi Raine." He said.

He walked in the door and I took him to meet Geoff before we went up to my room so we could talk in private. He doesn't seem nervous, and he seems kinda happy to be here. Which I find weird as hell.

"I'm sorry about how I ran off yesterday. I kinda just expected you to hate me, like everyone else does." I said and he shook his head t me and pulled me into a really tight hug. I hugged back, kinda confused.

"I'm so sorry that you have to deal with people. It's nothing you can change, but I wanna help you." He said before letting go of me.


"I wanna show everyone that just because your dad is a bad man, doesn't make you anything like him." He said and I smiled slightly, but then I frowned.

"I do look like him though. I'm literally his spitting image, if he was a female that is." I said and Michael frowned at me.

"That doesn't matter. Geoff seemed like he really cares about you. I'd say he is doing a good job as your stepdad." Michael said and I nodded.

"He is the only person I can really call family." I said.

"What about your mum?"

"She tells me everyday she wishes she aborted me. She hates me."

"That's messed up. You're her daughter."

"No. I'm his daughter." I said sadly and Michael frowned at me again.

"Do you wanna do something? Anything you want, I want you to be happy today. I wanna make you happy." He said.

"I would really like to be able to go somewhere and not have to worry about people staring at me." I said and Michael nodded.

"C'mon. Let's go on a walk around town. Then we can head back to my house and hangout with Calum. He was worried about you yesterday." Michael said and nodded my head.

"Geoff, where is that ungodly daughter of mine?" I heard my mum yell from downstairs.

I jumped up and locked my bedroom door.

"Fuck my life."

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