15.) What Happened?

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Raine's P.O.V

I told Veronica to strip the red out and to dye my hair back to blonde, a little lighter that my natural color and she told me she could have it done in about 2 hours.

Geoff paid for me to have it done, even though I could have done it myself.

I have no idea what Michael will say when I go back t the house, but I need to do this for myself.

I need to remember what I looked like before the truth came out and ruined me forever.

"So Raine, why do you want the drastic change?" Veronica asked

"I just thought it was time, ya know? I've been doing the red for a while and I figured it needed to be different for once." I said and she nodded.

Veronica knew about me. She knew who my dad was, and she didn't care.

I still remember one time she threw a girl out of the salon because she started making fun of me. It was a girl, Jillian, from my school. She hated my guts, and she only hated me because of who my father was.

"I get that. I do that every now and then. You took out your bull ring too I see?" SHe questioned and I nodded slightly.

"Like I said, I thought it was time for something different." I said and she smiled at me.

"I like you without it. I think you're very pretty." She said, and I smiled, even though I know she's probably lying to make me feel better.

"Thanks V."

"You're very welcome Rai. Anything knew in your life? It's been a few months since I saw you last." She asked.

"I don't wanna bother you with my problems." I said causing her to frown slightly

"I asked hun. If you don't wanna talk about it that's fine, but I'm here if you wanna vent." She said.

"Well, if you really don't mind-"

"I don't sweetie."

"Okay, well I left my house because my mum started to go like crazy. I moved in with another family, I go to school with their two kids Calum and Michael. I kinda have a crush on Michael, but I'm to scared to let anything happen because of my dad and Calum's dad is the principle at my school so it's kinda weird." I explained and she nodded, as if she actually understood.

"Well hun, Michael isn't your father. He's probably nothing like him."

"I know, but I'm terrified of what might happen if I let him know everything about me. What if he hates me and makes me leave."

"Then he isn't a very good friend. If he doesn't like all of you, then you should be happy to leave his ass behind. All you need is a few good friends yo have your back when assholes wanna say shit to you." She said and I smiled a little.

"Just because your father is like that, doesn't mean you will be. It shouldn't matter who your father is. What he did, shouldn't reflect on you in any way. Like, my father was a drug addict. I've never even touched weed. Does that stop people from criticizing me for his actions? Nope, but I don't care. He is my father, not me." She said

She's right.

Why do I let people get to me.

I am me. And he is not me.

But, his DNA is still in me, so I could very well turn into him.

However, I'm nothing like him. Am I?

"Anyway sweetie, you're all done. What do you think?" She asked me. She spun the chair so I could look in the mirror and see myself.

"I..I..I feel like myself again." I said quietly.

I ran my hands through it. I flipped it all over my right shoulder and smiled before pushing it all to the back again.

"I love it V."

"I'm glad Rai. It really suites you."


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