23.) Drama Central

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Raine's P.O.V

I have already seen so many people here from school. It basically looks like a school reunion.

But nothing is worse than the girls I see walking towards us right now.

Jade and her posse of bitches. God only knows what they'll do to me here since they can't get me into the closets since they're locked.

I grabbed Mikey' s hand without really thinking about it and I saw him look over at me, and he probably saw the fear that's written all over my face right now.

"Raine?" He asked me.

"That's Jade. I told you about her." I said quietly so she wouldn't be able to hear me as she approached us.

"She's the one who locked you up everyday?" Michael asked and I just nodded my head.

He squeezed my hand lightly, making me turn to look at him instead of at Jade and her friends.

"They won't hurt you while I'm her Rai." He whispered to me, kissing my cheek softly.

I blushed a little but from the gesture, but quickly shook the feeling off so that Mikey wouldn't notice it.

"Oh look what we have here." I heard one of Jades friends say, so I looked over and saw that they stopped in their tracks, but Michael kept pulling me along.

"What are you looking at, freak?" Jade asked and I tensed up, knowing she was talking about me.

"No-nothing. I was just-" I started to say but Michael squeezed my hand again causing me to stop talking.

"Aw, what's the matter? Rapist got your tongue?" She asked and started laughing really loud with her friends.

I heard Michael let out a sigh of frustration.

"I bet the only reason her step dad kept her around was because she probably sucked him off so her mummy wouldn't throw her out. Guess the charm stopped working. Didn't you hear she lives with Calum Hood's family now?" Giana, Jades right hand bitch said, causing Jade to laugh.

"Calum Hood? As in Mr. Hood's son? Wow! How'd a fuck up like you weasel your way into his place?" Jade asked me, and I tensed up, not sure what I was supposed to say.

"Him and I had a thing once ya know? He is amazing in bed, to bad you'll never get to know what that's like." Giana said smirking at me.

"Do you girls really have nothing better to do with your lives?" Michael snapped at them.

"Um, no? Who the hell are you?" Jade asked.

"Calum's brother." He stated through gritted teeth.

"Oh, well in that case, why don't you ditch freaky deaky over here and come hangout with us. I'm sure you'd have so much more fun with us." Giana said, winking at Michael.

Oh god, ew. I'm gonna puke.

Please don't leave me Michael. Please don't go with them. That's all I can think right now.

They're so much better than I am. Any other guy in school would kill to hangout with them. Even Calum, apparently.

"Thanks for the invite, but I wouldn't wanna come within five feet of you. Hard pass." Michael said, squeezing my hand.

"You're really gonna choose her over us?" Jade asked.

"Duh?" Michael replied, as if it was the easiest choice he's ever had to make.

"Are you sick dude? Like, are you dying or something? Cause even if I was on my death bed I wouldn't wanna hangout with her." Jade shot back.

"I was thinking the exact same thing about you girls. You know the whole Barbie doll look isn't cute right? Next time at least make sure your make up matches your skin tone." Mikey replied.

The three girls gasped, shocked that someone would say that to them. Acting like they're royalty or some shit.

"Wow, she's got you brainwashed. You know who her father is, right?" Giana asked.

"I do. That doesn't change how I feel about her. She's not her father. She's nothing like him, and maybe if you would have actually gotten your head out of your ass long enough to see that, you could have had an amazing friend by your side. Keep that in mind when you walk in on your bestie there sleeping with your boyfriend." Michael said, Turing on his heels pulling me along with him.

"Did you just call me a whore?" Jade shouted after us.

"I just call them how I see them."

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