8.) Kicked To the Curb

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Raine's P.O.V

"Why don't you stay over here? Your mum seemed pretty mad about you leaving today." Calum suggested and I shook my head.

"No I couldn't. If I don't get home soon she will freak out. She will kill me. I need to go." I said sliding my shoes on.

As I was getting ready to run out the front door Michael grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards him.

"Are you sure about this?" Michael asked and I nodded.

"Yes Michael. I have to go." I said and pulled my arm free. I ran out the front door and all the way to my house.

I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that I made it home just in time.

I opened the door and saw Geoff was sitting on the stairs waiting for me.

"How was your day." He asked me.

"Michael took my shopping and we had lunch together and then we went back to his house and played video games." I said.

And that's when I realized I left everything Michael bought me behind.

I'll have to text him about it later.

"So, where's mum?" I asked and Geoff shrugged his shoulders at me.

"She is in the kitchen, drinking like usual. Just go upstairs. I won't make you talk to her." He said and I smiled at him.

I gave him a hug before running up the stairs passed him.

I went to room and closed the door behind me. I flopped down on my bed.

I could hear Geoff and my mum fighting with eachother about God knows what.

"Why did you even let her come back in my house?" My mum yelled and she sounded close to my bedroom door.

"She is your daughter! It doesn't matter who her father is! Why do you hate her so much?" Geoff yelled back.

"She ruined my body and she ruined my life! I was so young. I didn't want a baby!" She shouted.

"I never said you did, but you are actually lucky enough to have a baby. I can't have kids." He shouted, and I frowned a little bit.

"You don't want one. They're disgusting." She shouted.

My bedroom door whiped open and I just stared at my mum.

I always forget that she has an extra key to my door, I really need to steal it feom her so she can't get in here.

"Get out!" She shouted at me.

"What?" I asked her.

"Get out of my house!" She shouted.

"But mum-"

"Don't call me that!" She screamed as she slapped me in the face.

"That's enough Shannon!" Geoff yelled.

"Pack your shit and get out." she shouted at me again, as she grabbed me by my shirt collar.

"I never wanna see your face around this house again." She spat in my face.

"Shannon stop it! You're drunk." Geoff said.

"Drunk words are sober thoughts. Give me half an hour to pack my stuff. I'll leave." I said in a whisper and mum just nodded and left.

"Rai, you don't have to do this. Where will you even go? You don't have any family to go to." Geoff asked and I shrugged.

"Michael's for tonight at least. Then I don't know what to do." I said, throwing all my shit into a suitcase.

"Raine, please I can calm your mum down." Geoff said.

"I'll be fine Geoff. I'll figure it all out. I have all my life." I said.

I picked my phone up and sent Michael a text, hoping he is still awake since it is after midnight.

Luckily be answered me right away and told me I could always come to him.

"Text me sometime Geoff. I'll miss you." I said as I walked out the door with my stuff in hand.

"I will Rai. I promise."

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