11.) Thank You

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Raine's P.O.V

I rolled over and looked at the clock and saw that it was just a few minutes after nine and I let out a sigh.

I pushed the blanket off my body and sat up rubbing my eyes.

I grabbed an outfit of mine off the floor and walked to the bathroom to take a shower before anyone in the house wakes up.

As I start the water I hear a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Michael. Are you decent? I have to piss, like really bad." He said and I rolled my eyes.

Of course he does.

"Give me a second to get behind the curtain. Then you can come in." I said.

I took my shirt off over my head and un-clipped my bra throwing it on the floor with the rest of my clothes.

I stepped into the shower and set the water a little hotter and let the heat run over my body for a second.

"Okay Michael. You can come in now." I shouted so he would hear me over the sound of the water splashing against the wall and the floor of the bathtub.

I heard the door open and the sound of the toilet seat smaking the back of the toilet.

I just grabbed the shampoo from the side of the tub and went about my business, not even paying any attention to Michael's presence in the room with me.

I quietly started humming Remembering Sunday, and before I knew it Michael was singing along with my humming.

"The neighbor's said that she moved away. Funny how it rained all day. I didn't think much of it then, but now it's starting to all make sense." Michael sang, causing me to smile a little bit. So I kept humming along with his voice.

"Oh I can see now, that all of these clouds, are following me on my desperate endeavor to find my whoever. Wherever she may be." Michael sang, but after that line he stopped.

"Aw, why'd you stop?" I asked him.

"Why? Were you enjoying that?" He asked me and I giggled quietly.

"A little. I usually play music when I shower but I didn't wanna wake anybody up, if I played it to loud. So you singing was actually kinda cool." I explained ad Michael chuckled a little bit.

"So you want me to keep going? Because I don't think I can sing Juliet's part in the song. My voice will crack and make the song super shitty. I don't wanna ruin it for you." He said and I shook my head as if he could see me.

"We can sing something else. I'll hum and you sing along." I said with a laugh, and Michael laughed along with me.

I started to hum the tune of Lullibies, and Michael started singing along to that. I kept washing myself and making sure I didn't look gross and homeless, like I actually am, because it's bad enough everyone hate me.

I turned the water off, but stayed behind the curtain until the song finished.

"You know, Calum is gonna be extra suspicious if he sees me leave the bathroom and the you coming after." Michael said and I laughed and shook my head.

"I can't wait to hear all about it at breakfast." I said, causing him to laugh.

I heard the door open and just as it was about to close I popped my headout from behind the curtain.

"Michael?" I said and he looked back at me.

"Thank you for this." I said and he raised his left eyebrow at me.

"For what?" He asked.

"Helping me start my day off with a smile."

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