19.) Back "Home"

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Raine's P.O.V

After walking back to the house Michael made me a cup of tea and started running hot water in the shower for me so I could go warm up after I finished my tea.

He started blowing up the air mattress in his bed room, which I know he's gonna say he's taking it, but I don't wanna take his bed away from him. That's just not fair to him at all. I'd rather sleep on the floor and let him be comfortable.

I walked into Michael's room and saw him sitting on the air mattress and I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him, pulling my hands into the sleeves of his flannel that he gave me to wear to bed since Calum already went to bed in my room where all my clothes is.

"You're not sleeping on that." I said and he nodded his head.

"Yes, I am. You can have m-" Michael started.

"No Michael. I'm not taking your bed from you. I'm sleeping on the mattress on the floor. It's bad enough I'm causing problems for Calum. I already took your shirt when it was cold outside, I don't wanna start causing problems for you to." I said and Michael let out a sigh and shook his head.

"You being in here isn't a problem. You sleeping in my bed wont be a problem. You're not a problem Rai, okay? You're really not." Michael said, trying to cheer me up.

It's not working.

"Listen to me Rai. I don't care if you sleep in my bed while I sleep on the floor. I don't care if you wear my clothes, cause you look way better in them than I do anyway. You aren't going to cause any problems for me, okay? I can't speak for Calum, but I don't think he meant to sound so harsh earlier. He get's cranky when he doesn't get sleep." Michael said.

"I don't want you sleeping on the floor Mikey." I said quietly.

"Well I don't want you sleeping on the floor." He said back to me.

"Oh well, I am." I said

"No, you're not, because I am. No ifs, ands, or buts. You are sleeping in my bed Rai, that's final." Michael said and I rolled my eyes and just decided to give up fighting with him because it's probably pointless.

"Fine, but if you get uncomfortable at any time during the night please wake me up and we'll switch. I'm used to not sleeping anyway, you know that." I said and Michael rolled his eyes but nodded his head anyway.

"Alright fine, I promise I will." Michael said.

We both got under the covers, and Mikey turned off the light that's on the night stand next to the bed.

I glanced over at the clock for a moment and saw how late it is, and instantly felt bad for keeping him up so late.

I was gonna say sorry, but realized he was probably already trying sleep so I just ignored my thoughts and rolled over onto my side and tried to do the same. I felt my eyes get heavy almost instantly.

"Goodnight Rai." I heard Mikey whisper before sleep took over my body.

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