7.) You're On

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Raine's P.O.V

After Michael insisted on buying my coffee from starbucks, and he made me pick out a dress from Forever21, I talked him into going home.

I have more bags than I can carry myself, and I can't feel my arms anymore.

It took us about ten minutes to shove all my stuff into the car with out it dumping everywhere.

We got in the car and started our drive home, Michael being a goof ball, again.

"You are one weird kid." I said and he laughed at me.

"Yes I am. Thank you for noticing." He said while laughing.

When we arrived back at Michael's house and took his bags and two of mine out of the car.

"Why do you have my stuff?" I asked.

"Just incase you need a change of clothes for any reason while we are hanging out." He said.

"My house is a five minute walk Michael." I said and he shook his head.

"I wouldn't wanna walk that far just for a change of clothes." He said and I just shrugged mu shoulders.

I'm not gonna argue with him about it. I'll just let him do what he wants too.

"Hey Calum. Raine is with me!" Michael yelled up the stairs.

I heard a door open and then I saw Calum running down the stairs towarda me.

"Hey Raine. Are you okay? I was worried about you all night after you ran off on us." Calum said and I nodded my head.

"Yeah I'm good now thanks to Michael." I said with a smile.

Calum smiled at me and walked into the other room without another word.

"Do you wanna go to my room and play video games or something?" Michael asked me.

"I never played anything before. Mum wouldn't let me have a system. And I never had a friend to play with." I said and Michael frowned at me.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to his bedroom door. We walked doen the stairs and what I saw was amazing.

He had band posters eveywhere. Three guitars in the corner with an amp. And he had two game systems under his tv in a shelf.

"What do you wanna play? I have zombie games, I have rock band' Call Of Duty, FIFA, pretty much anything you can think of." Michael said and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Killing zombies always makes mw feel better. I just imagine they are my dad. You can do the same." He said.

"Why do you pretend they are your dad?" I asked.

"My dad left me and my mum when I was seven years old. He left to go with a younger women. He told my mum he didn't love her anymore and that he never wanted to see me again." He said, looking upset.

"I never met my dad."I said.

"I know." He said and he handed me a controller to his Xbox.

"Let's kill some zombies. If you aren't smiling again by the end of the night, I am doing something wrong." Michael said and I nodded.

The screen lit up with Left 4 Dead 2. I've never even heard of tbjs game.

But it looks kinda fun.

"I'm gonna do so much better than you." I said with a wink.

"Oh. You're on."

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