14.) Maybe It's Time To Change

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Raine's P.O.V

When I woke up, Michael was gone.

He must have snuck out and gone back to his room once I was asleep last night.

I grab my phone off the table next to me and see that it is only eight in the morning, which is way to early for anyone to be awake, but here I am.

I guess this is what happens when you fall asleep before midnight.

I let out a quiet groan before placing both my feet on the ground and standing up, stretching all my muscles before waking over to the bathroom and shutting the door behind me, making sure to lock it.

I do what I gotta do before washing my hands, and scrubbing the make-up off my face and staring at my face in the big mirror in front of me.

Michael was right about me having my father's eyes. And my natural dark blonde hair are starting to be visible through the dark red that my hair has been dyed for nearly a year and a half.

The piercings in my face that haven't been taken out since I got them, and the longer I look at myself, the more I wonder why I did all these things.

Was it because I was tired of hearing how much I looked like my dad? Or did I do it because I actually wanted to?

Even I don't know anymore.

I don't even remember what I looked like back then. Back before everyone figured out who I was and who my father was.

I reached up to my face and unscrewed the left ball on my septum ring and slowly pulled it out of my face, placing it on the counter in front of me.

It feels weird not having it, but it feels good at the same time.

"Rai, is that you in there? I gotta piss and you've been in there a long time." I heard Michael outside the door.

"Be out in a second." I replied.

I grabbed a hair tie and pulled my hair up in a pony tail before turning an opening the door.

"Finally." Michael joked before sliding passed me and closing the door.

I let a small chuckle pass my lips before walking back to my room.

I dug through my new clothes that Michael bought me, deciding on a pair of black jeans and a tank top with a musical staff on the front of it with the notes to Welcome to the Black Parade across my chest.

I grab my black vans out of the closet and slid them on my feet before walking out of my room and down the steps, clutching my phone in my right hand.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a glass, filling it with apple juice and chugging it down, placing the glass in the sink.

"Hey beautiful." I heard Michael say from behind me and I scoffed.

"You're blind." I mumbled.

"I actually have perfect vision." I said back with a wink.

"Whatever you say." I mumbled before walking out of the room.

"I'm serious Raine. You don't have to believe me, but you are beautiful. Even without the ring in your face." Michael said causing me to put my hand up to my face. I forgot that I took it out this morning.

"Well, I've had it I since I got it. I couldn't remember a time without it." I said and Michael shrugged.

"Well I like you with and without it." Michael said, causing my cheeks to flush bright pink and get hot.

"What are your plans today?" He asked me.

"I'm gonna go out on a walk to my special place I think. Alone. I wanna think about some things." I said.

"Are you sure you wanna go alone?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Okay. If you need me for any reason, just call me okay? I'm probably just gonna chill out here with Calum." Michael said and I nodded my head.

I headed for the door and looked back and smiled at him quickly before walking out of the house.

I pulled my phone out and dialed Geoff's number, and waited for him to answer.

"Hello?" I heard him

"Geoff? I wanna ask you a favor." I stated

"Anything sweetie. What do you need?"

"Can you take me to the mall? I need to go see Veronica at the salon. I wanna get my hair fixed up today. Michael would take me, but I wanna spend some time with you without having to worry about mum." I said.

"No problem Rai. I'll pick you up in ten?"

"At the park down the street from the house. I'll see you soon."

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