6.) Happy

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Raine's P.O.V

"I hope he hurts you! I hope he does to you what your father did to me." My mum shouted out at me.

Michael and I jumped out of my bedroom window, and ran a ross the yard so that I wouldn't have to deal with her.

"Go rot in ell." I shouted back to her.

She slammed the front door, but Michael and I kept running. We ran until we ended up outside of his house.

"I'm gonna go grab my wallet. I'm gonna take you shopping." He said.

Before he could walk in the house I grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him back towards me.

"I can pay for myself. You don't need to worry about it." I said and he shook his head and pulled his arm free.

"My treat. I don't mind." He said before he ran in the house.

He came back a few minutes later with his wallet and his car keys.

"We are going to the mall in Sydney. There is more stores to chose from in that one." Michael said and I shook my head at him.

"It's also way more expensive Michael." I said and be just laughed.

"I don't care. You wanted a day out, and you wanted to be happy. So I am going to make you happy." Michael said abd I shook my head, but laughed back at him.

Our drive consisted of Michael singing along to the radio, while acting like a complete goofball.

He was singing in a goofy voice, while dancing like a weirdo.

It was more of a flail than a dance, but he called it his white boy dance.

"So where do you wanna go first?" I asked Michael and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Where ever you wanna go." He said.

"HotTopic?" I asked and he nodded.

"Sounds good to me. I need some new jeans anyway. I only have two pairs." He said and I just laughed.

We walked from our parking spot into the entrance of the mall, which is huge by the way. We could spend all day here.

We went to HotTopic and I picked out two shirts and a pair of pants since Michael refused to let me walk out empty handed.

He grabbed two pairs of jeans for himself and walked up to the register.

He wouldn't let me see bow much the total cost was because he knows I would probably freak out.

We walked around the mall a little more and we went to the food court and stood in the middle until I finally decided I wanted Chinese.

"Anywhere else you wanna shop?" He asked me and rolled my eyes.

"Michael, you have spent over a hundred on me already. I am not letting you buy me anything else." I said and be shook his head.

"It is really no problem Raine. I don't mind. You look so happy today." He said and I smiled slightly at him.

"Honestly Michael, this is the first time I have been happy in a very long time." I said and Michael smiled back at me.

"Well I'm glad I made you happy."

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