10.) 4am

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Raine's P.O.V

It's four in the morning and I'm staring at the ceiling in Michael's bedroom.

I lost everything I had in one day. My mum, Geoff, and any sliver of happiness I had. It's all gone now. And I can't get it back.

I guess I don't need my family though.

I turned my head ro the left and saw Michael sleeping in the air mattress, and I feel awful about making him sleep on it.

I'm sure he would rather be sleeping in his nice comfy and cozy bed.

The guilt took over me and I climbed out of his bed and shook him awake.

"What's up?" He asked, hia voice scratchy from just waking up.

"You don't look very comfy. Take your bed. I'll sleep on the floor." i said.

Michael rubbed his eyes and sat up to look at me.

"No Raine. It's fine. I really don't mind sleeping here. You are gonna have a hard enough time sleeping as is. You should at least me comfortable." Michael said and I shook my head.

"I won't be sleeping at all. So get in your bed Michael." I said and he still shook his head.

"Give me a better reason to make you sleep on the floor."

"Cause it would make me happy to see you comfortable." I said and he let out a sigh.

"Fine but i am sleeping on the floor tomorrow. No excuses." he said and I nodded before crawling into bed.

"Try and get some sleep Raine." Michael said and I nodded at him.

I covered up with the blanket and laid down facing the door.

For some reason I'm used to sleeping this way. My mum used to come into my room all the time.

Geoff would always knock first.

It's only been a few hours and I already miss him.

My mum is ginna destroy him, just like she destroyed me.

And I am actually kinda happy I won't be around for the day he finally breaks down because if her.

I never wanna see him like that.

I can feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier as I think about everything.

I finally close them and let sleep take over me, even though its pointless.

I'll wake up around nine, and it's almost five.

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