13.) I Need You Here

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Raine's P.O.V

Michael made my bed up in the guest room where I will be staying, and I put all my clothes in the dresser.

I put up all the pictures and posters that I managed to save from my house, well my old house.

I made this room feel like it was my new home.

I feel at home here, sort of.

I like it here and all, but I feel like a burden. I hate that Michael and Calum's parents feel like they needed to help me.

They probably only took me in because they feel bad for me, and they didn't want to see a helpless teenager out on the street.

"Raine, are you alright? Ya know, after today." Michael asked me from the doorway and I just shrugged.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, obviously lying.

"Raine, I can tell that you're not fine. You missed dinner. You have been sitting in here with the article about your dad sitting on your bed in front of you, and I can see it in your face that you have been crying." Michael said and I just let out a sigh.

"Alright, no. I'm not fine. I hate my fucking life. I hate that you take pity on me. I hate that you took me in and treat me so fucking good when I don't deserve that because I'm a piece of shit." I snapped unintentionally.

"Raine, listen to me. I don't take pity on you. I actually like you. I didn't take you in because  feel bad for you. I took you in because you deserve to be treated much better than you have been treated in the past. Just because your father is a worthless asshole, doesn't mean you have to be treated as such." Michael said and I shook my head.

"No. I should be treated like shit. I am literally the worst thing on earth. I am the daughter of one of the worst rapists that Australia has ever seen Michael. I have his genes. I could grow up to be just as bad as him." I said and Michael took my hand and shook his head at me.

"If that was the case, you wouldn't be crying over it. You know why? Because you have feelings Raine. You care what others think of you. He didn't. You put others before yourself. He didn't. You are nothing like him, and you never will be. Just because you have his eyes and hair, doesn't mean you have to be him. Just be you. The real you. A sweet and caring girl who shouldn't be afraid to ask for help when she needs it." Michael said sweetly.

"I wanna believe you Michael. I do, I just don't know if I can yet." I said. Michael nodded as if he understood and he stood up to leave.

"No Michael don't." I said

"I need you here. I don't wanna be alone with these thoughts in my head."

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