16.) Myself Again

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Raine's P.O.V

I just got back to the park down the street, and I decided to stay for a little and sit on the swings while thinking about what Veronica said to me earlier.

I'm thinking about how I told her about Michael, and how I said I have a crush on him, but I don't know him well enough to have a crush, do I? No.

I think I am just liking the fact that he treats me so well when he doesn't need to. He could have pushed me away like everyone else, but he didn't. He basically saved me.

Who knows what could have happened to me if I stayed with my mum. If I hadn't met Michael, I could have been dead by now after how psycho she got the other night. I doubt Geoff would have let that happen though, well unless she killed him too.

I looked down at my phone and saw that it's been nearly four hours since I left the house, and Michael is probably going nuts by now, so I should probably head back.

I hop off the swing and start the short walk back to Michael's house, well my house now I guess? That feels so weird to say.

I played Alone by Sleeping With Sirens and MGK in my headphones while I slowly walked down the street, the house coming into view, Michael sitting on the front stoop, probably waiting on me to come home.

As the last line of the song was sent through my ears I took my head phones out and shut my music off, sticking y phone back into my pocket, approaching Michael.

"Hey." I said quietly, causing him to look up from his phone.

"Hey Rai-holy shit." He said, standing up.

"You like it?" I asked and he nodded.

"It looks amazing." He said.

"It's as close to my natural color as we could get." I said.

"I like it more than the red honestly. It really brings out your eyes and how beautiful they are." Michael said and I blushed at compliment.

"Really? You think?" I asked and he nodded.

"Really. You look beautiful. You look like-" Michael started but I cut him off before he could think of what to say.

"Me. I look like me." I said, with a slight smile plastered to my face.

"Yeah. You look like yourself again." He said smiling back at me.

"I feel like myself again. I was talking to the hairdresser about everything, and that's when she made me realize that I may look like my father, but that doesn't mean I am him." I said and Michael nodded with a huge smile on his face.

"That's what I was hoping you would figure out sooner or later."

A/n- Sorry it's short and shitty, but I felt bad for not updating even though only like 12 people are reading this.

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