26.) Official?

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Raine's P.O.V

Its morning,  and I just woke up, wrapped in Michael's arms again. I really enjoy waking up like this.

"Michael? You awake?" I whispered and nudged him. A snore escaped his lips which gave me my answer.

I giggled to myself.

I climbed out of bed, careful not to wake up him.

As I was sneaking out of his room his mum was standing right outside the door waiting for me.

"You and my son, huh?" She asked and I just looked down at my feet and said nothing.

"I suspected that this would happen. He really likes you." She said, causing me to look up.

"You're not mad?" I asked and she shurgged.

"I'd prefer you guys waited to sleep with each other, but I know you can tell teenagers no to that kind of stuff. They'll do it anyway." She said with a small smile on her face.

"Its not like that. We kissed once, and slept in the same room. Nothing like that at all. I-" I started to stutter over my words.

I heard the door open behind me.

"Really mum? You're making her nervous. All we did was sleep." Michael said, and I could practically hear his eyes roll.

"And kiss." She said, causing me to blush.

"Once. I swear only once." I managed to say with out stuttering.

Michael let out a sigh and wrapped his. arms around my shoulders. I calmed down almost instantly.

"Mum. Stop." Michael said in a very serious tone.

"Are you guys official?" She asked and I just turned slightly to see Michael's face.

I was expecting him to say no. But he didn't.

"Yes. Raine is my girlfriend now. Problem?" Michael asked.

"Not at all. Just keep it pg?" She asked and Michael just leaned down and placed his lips on mine.

"We'll see about that."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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