2.) Eavesdropper

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Raine's P.O.V

After the final bell rang, I walked to the playground near my house and sat on the swings.

I don't live near any kids, so this is pretty much my spot. No one else comes here.

I was just about to start playing music when I heard a voice, a boys voice. And he is walking towards me.

I ran behind the big tree and watched as two boys approached the park.

One being Michael, the kid I met earlier.

"She wouldn't even talk to me dude. Like what the hell?" Michael said to the other boy.

"Dad always said she was weird. He never told me why, but everyone at school seemed to know. I just try to avoid the drama." The other boy, who I now know is Calum.

Calum is the son of the head master at school.

"Well I really wish I could have actually talked to her. She seemed cool." Michael said.

That was the last thing I heard befor they walked off down the street.

I don't know why Michael want's to talk to me.

He heard Calum, everyone thinks I'm so freaky and weird.

I looked down at my phone and saw that it is only four. I still have an hour and a half to do nothing.

So, I decided to follow them and make it not look creepy.

I put my headphones in, but I didn't play music.

I wanna hear if Michael or Calum have anything else to say about me.

I assume Michael and Calum are stepbrothers now? But if Michael's mum and Calum's dad have been together all this time, how come he didn't start going to school before?


I followed them until I saw them walk up on a the stoop, of I assume their house.

I just kept walking, as if I knew where I was going.

"Wait Michael, isn't that her?" Calum said.

"Hey! Raine!" Michael yelled, so I couldn't exactly ignore him.


"Why did you run off earlier? I didn't even get to say hi." He said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I was just saving you from hating your life. Trust me, you will if you spend time with me." I said and he shook his head.

"I doubt it. You seem really nice." He said.

"I am. But no one is nice to me. Everyone hates me, and they will hate you too if you are seen talking to me, so I better go." I said and I started to walk away.

"Wait Raine!" He yelled and I spun around.

"Why does everyone hate you." He asked me.

"Because my dad is a rapist."

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