20.) Bad Dreams

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Raine's P.O.V

I jolted awake, covered in sweat, tears in my eyes, and before I could stop myself a whimper escaped my lips and echoed of the walls in Michael's room.

I slapped my hands over my mouth, hoping that would keep my cries quiet enough to not wake Mikey because he really shouldn't have to deal with this shit. He says it's not a problem having me in his room, but if I wake him I'll feel like I am a problem.

I tried as hard as I could to control my sobs, and I was quiet for the most part, but a few sobs slipped past my lips and I saw Michael stir.

I threw myself back down into a laying position and tried to make it seem like I was sleeping just incase he woke up completely.

He didn't.

He rolled onto his left side and I heard a soft snore escape his mouth, so I know he stayed asleep. Thank goodness.

The dream that woke me is probably one of the worst dreams I have ever had in my life, and my dreams are pretty fucking horrible most nights.

The dream that woke me tonight was about my dad, no shock there, except it wasn't my mum and dad in the dream. It was me and a guy from school, but the scene was my mother's rape story. I was my mum, and this guy was my dad.

What made the dream worse was I could see Michael standing there watching it happen, and all he said was this is what happens when you cause problems. It was the most horrifying thing ever.

As much as I don't wanna wake Michael, I feel like I'm gonna have to.

Usually when I would dream like this Geoff would lay with me until I fell back to sleep, but he's not here with me anymore. I need someone to lay with me.

I let out a frustrated sigh, tears still streaming down my cheeks.

I push the covers off me and I climbed out of bed and walk around to the other side of the bed where Michael is sleeping on the air mattress. I kneel down next to him and start to slightly shake him.

"Mikey? Mikey?" I whisper as I shake his arm.

"Mmm." Mikey groaned.

"Mikey, please wake up." I said, and you could hear in my voice that I was crying.

"Hmm?" Mikey groaned again, his eyes fluttering a little bit.

"Mikey, please. I need you." I said, more tears coming to my eyes.

"Rai? Is everything okay?" Michael asked, rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

"I just had this awful dream, and you were in it and you said that I des-" I started to try and explain what was going on through my tears, but Mikey cut me off.

"Shh, it's alright. You don't have to say anything." Mikey said as he pulled me into a hug.

I cried into his chest for a few minutes before composing myself and telling him exactly what my dream was about.

"And you looked at me and said that I deserved it, and I just broke down Mikey. I'm so used to Geoff laying with me when this happens. I didn't wanna wake you, but-" I was explaining when he cut me off again.

"That would never happen Rai, okay. If I ever saw that happening to you I would kick the guys ass and make sure you were safe. You don't deserve that, no one does." Mikey said and I just sniffled.

"Climb back up into the bed, I'll stay with you until you fall asleep again, okay?" Mikey asked and I nodded my head slowly before climbing back into bed. Mikey followed behind me and we both climbed under the covers.

Michael pulled me super close to him. My head was on his chest and my arm was draped over is waist.

"Goodnight Raine." He whispered, kissing my head.

 I felt safe here, with him.

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