4.) Just One Message

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Raine's P.O.V

I thought about what Geoff said for a little while, so I decided I would try and talk to Michael tomorrow. I'll try to find him on Facebook.

I searched Calum's name and went through all his friends until I came across Michael. I clicked the add friend button below his picture and closed the app out. If he hasn't responded to it by tomorrow afternoon, It'll be pretty obvious that I lost my chance.

I plugged my phone into the charger and set it on my nightstand.

I closed my eyes and snuggled up with my pillow, falling asleep, and hoping for a better day tomorrow.


I rolled over and faced the window, once the sun hit my face, I opened my eyes and squinted because of the bright light.

I reached for my phone and clicked the screen on. 10:23. That is sleeping in for me. Usually mum comes barging in here around eight or so to wake me up, I'm not allowed to be lazy I guess.

I scrolled through my notifications and saw that Michael accepted my friend request.

I went on to messanger and wrote out a message that I hope doesn't sound to creepy or weird.

To Michael: Hey Michael. I'm sorry about yesterday. Would you wanna hangout at my house today so we can talk about it?

I unplugged my phone and stuck it in the pocket of my sweatpants before walking downstairs to see Geoff sitting at the table reading the news paper and drinking a cup of coffee.

"Hey Geoff. Where's mum?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

"She must have picked up some over time. She should have been home around four this morning. She never came in last night." He said. He didn't seem to worried about it, like I care.

"I messaged Michael this morning. I asked if he wanted to come hangout so I could explain myself, and why I ran off yesterday. I'm just waiting on his response. He's probably still sleeping." I said and Geoff nodded.

"I'm proud of you. I made eggs with bacon, peppers, and cheese in them if you want some. They are on a plate in the microwave." He said and I smiled at him.

I walked into the kitchen and pressed a few button s on the microwave so I could heat up my breakfast. I poured myself a glass of grape juice and walked it out to the table.

I walked back to get my food and just as the microwave beeped, my phone vibrated.

One new message from Michael Clifford, flashed across my screen.

From Michael: Okay. Text me when you're ready to see me. I'll come by your house later. I need to shower and get dressed first. I'll be over in a little.

I cheered quietly and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Michael gave me his number. I'm supposed to text him when we are ready for visitors." I said as I sat down at the table across form Geoff.

"I guess I better make myself look somewhat decent then, huh?" He asked and I nodded.

"Don't chase him away Geoff." I said and he laughed as he stood up and walked upstairs to his room.

I finished eating my eggs and then I went up to my room and plugged my phone into the speaker. I started blasting music as I got in the shower.

"I hope this goes better than I think it will." I whispered to myself.

"I really need a friend."

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