21.) Breakfast

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Raine's P.O.V

I woke up with Michael's body pressed against mine. His arms wrapped securely around my waist, his fingers locked with mine, laying on my stomach.

His warmth makes me feel so safe. Like nothing can hurt me.

"Michael, are you and Raine awake? Breakfast is ready." I heard Calum say from the others side of the door.

I was to scared to move.

What happens if he sees Mikey and I in bed together. What kind of ideas would go through his head?

"Mike? Raine? Either of you awake?" Calum asked again.

I watched as the door handle jiggled,  and the door opened slowly to reveal Calum, in just a pair of flannel pajama bottoms.

I squeezed my eyes shut quickly, hoping Cal wouldn't notice that I was awake. Also because I really don't wanna see the look on his face when he sees Michael and I in bed together.

"You two are so lazy, it's nearly eleven. Get your asses out of bed." Calum said as he shook us both.

"We didn't sleep much Cal." Michael said, making it sound way different than it should have.

I think he noticed too because he instantly fixed it.

"Rai had a really bad nightmare and woke me so she wouldn't be alone." Michael said.

"Oh, I see. Sorry about that Raine. I'll let you sleep longer if you want to, no worries. I'll just tell dad to put your  plates in the fridge for later." Calum said, and I finally opened my eyes to look at him.

"No Cal, it's fine. If I don't get up now I won't be able to fall asleep later on. Just let Mike sleep in, I disturbed him late last night." I said and Michael shook his head.

"I'm coming to. I wanna get some stuff done today while I have time, I can't sleep the day away." Michael said.

We both rolled out of bed. Michael went over to his closet to get a shirt while I made the bed.

I pulled my hair up into a bun and slid slippers on my feet before walking out of the room, heading downstairs for breakfast with Michael following behind me.

I saw that Mr. Hood made a pretty big breakfast, and loaded my plate, even though he knows I probably won't eat very much.

I rarely eat a lot.

I sat down as Michael put a glass of orange juice in front of me.

"Thanks." I said quietly.

"You're welcome, babe." He said.

Babe? Why is he calling me babe?

"So Cal, after lunch do you wanna run some errands with me? If I don't get it done today Mum will kill me." Michael said, causing Calum and his dad to laugh.

"How many errands? I have plans with Ash later." Calum said.

"We have to get some groceries, and I wanna go to the mall and grab a few things for mum's birthday that's coming up." Michael said.

"I can go get the groceries with you but I'm supposed to be at Ash's by like one or two. Would you be willing to drop me off there?" Calum asked, Michael nodded with a mouth full of .

"Sure thing. Rai, you wanna come with me? I could use a female point of view for my mum's birthday present." Michael said.

"Sure Michael." I said quietly.

"Thanks Rai. It means a lot." He said.

There's just one problem.

There's gonna be tons of kids from school there that hate me.

And I'm terrified of what they'll say or do.

Not only to me either. To Michael.

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