22.) Heart to Heart

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Raine's P.O.V

"Raine, I know this is probably a touchy subject but do you wanna talk about last night?" Calum asked me from the passenger seat.

I just shook my head and leaned my head against the window.

"That's fine, I don't wanna force you to talk. Just know that if Michael's not around and you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Okay?" Calum said and I looked at him to see if he was being genuine.

I could tell by the look on his face that he meant it, so I smiled at him slightly.

"Thanks Cal." I said and he smiled back at me before facing forward again, messing with the aux chord that was hooked up to Michael's phone.

"Dude, leave my music go." Michael grumbled.

"I wanna listen to a certain song before you drop me off at Ash's. Please bro, I won't touch it afterwards." Calum begged, causing Michael to roll is eyes.

He looked at me through the rearview mirror and I just shrugged, not really caring what was playing since I'm not really pay attention anyway. I'm more concerned about the mall, and running into kids from school.

I could faintly hear the song, and I know it. I actually really like it because it speaks to me on a personal level.

Drown by Bring Me The Horizon started playing through the speakers.

Every emotion that is in this song, is something I feel everyday, and will probably continue to feel everyday until I die.

Who will fix me now

Dive in when I'm down

Save me from myself

Don't let me drown

"I love this song." I said, and Calum looked at me and smiled.

"Me too, it's a great song." He said.

"It has a good message behind it." Michael said, and I nodded.

I sat in silence until we dropped Calum off and Ashton's, and I feel like I could feel Ash's other friends staring at me like I had just broken out of prison or something, especially the girl that Michael called Ash's girlfriend.

She actually looked angry that I was even on Ashton's property .

I just tried to avoid eye contact with everybody until Michael was ready to go.

I sat silently as we drove, listening to Michael sing along to the stereo.

He actually has a great voice, but he's singing so quietly, he sounds so unconfident.

As we pulled up to the mall, I felt a knot in my stomach, and a lump in my throat. I'm so nervous that I am gonna see practically everybody from school and I am gonna make Michael go through all sorts of shit just from being here with me.

"Mike, I changed my mind. I don't wanna go in there." I said, trying to keep myself calm.

"What? Why?" Michael asked me. 

"I'm scared." I said

"Of what? The kids from school?" He asked me.

"Did you see the way Ash's girlfriend was looking at me? She was looking at me as if her eyes were gonna shoot me in the heart with daggers Michael. Everyone hates me, and they'll hate you too if they see us together. I don't want you to go through that Michael. I couldn't handle it." I cried, shoving my face into my hands in a failed attempt to hide my face from him.

"Rai. Rai, listen to me." He said grabbing on to my hands, pulling them away from my face which is probably covered in mascara streaks.

"Raine, I don't care what they all think of me. Nothing they could say to me would ever change how I feel about you. You have nothing to worry about Rai. None of them really know what kind of person you are. They just assumed the worst of you because of your parents, and that is like the worst thing you can do. I bet none of them have a perfect life behind closed doors, so please just don't let them get to you. Okay Rai?" Michael said to me.

"Why do you care about me so much?" I asked quietly, kinda hoping he wouldn't hear me, but he did.

"Before I met Calum, I didn't have anybody either. When he became my brother, I was so excited to finally have a friend. And then I met his friends, and they didn't like me very much. And then, I met you Rai. When I met you, something changed. I just knew that one way or another I needed to become close to you. Cal's friends all told me not to, but I obviously didn't listen, because why should I? I'm not some asshole who judges people based off of what others think." Michael explained.

"But you-" I started to say but he cut me off before I could get my whole thought out.

"I'm not going anywhere Rai."

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