1.01 So This is My Story

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The picture above or to the side is Cody....

Cody's POV:

Hi my name is Cody Grier. Yes Nash and Hayes Grier's brother, but it's not all cut out for what it seems. My brothers will not except the fact that I'm gay. So what if I prefer males than females I mean what's the difference I am still human. I also suffer depression but nobody knows that and well I'm 17 years old so I'm the middle child cause it's Sklynn 7 (I don't know there real ages so I'm gonna make it up.), Hayes 15, Me 17, Nash 18, and Will 21. I dance, sing, do art, act, and play Video games.....but my brothers only know about the video games.

Right now me and my family are having a family day so we are all hanging together....well they are hanging together in the living room. I am in the back just watching Mathew Espinosa vines. He is like one of my favorite magcon guys.

I'm trying to be as quiet as possible so I won't have to speak but of course me being me I bust out laughing. Once I finished my little laughing attack I look up and see them all looking at me. I take out my head phones......I really shouldn't have. "What were you laughing at fa-Cody." Nash said in disused but covered up his mistake. I sigh "I was watching vines and I just laughed sorry." "Oh who are you watching." Mom lightens the mood. "Mafuie epinisrcg." I mumble so nobody understands. "Sorry what, either you mumbled or you voice is so messed up we can't understand." Hayes snickered. My mom slapped his shoulder. She is the only one who knows I don't like my voice to me it is to flat and quiet. Not good enough to be used......it's like I say stuff and no one listens so yes...you could say that my voice is messed up. "I said I was watching Mathew Espinosa vines for your information all I did was mumble so shut the hell up Benjamin." I sass. I have no idea were that came from.

Everyone was shocked...except the parents. "Do not call me Benjamin faggot." "DO NOT CALL YOUR BROTHER FAGGOT HE IS JUST...." My mom tried but she can't save me. "See not even you can say what he is because he's so messed up." Nash butted in. Ugh I've had enough. Before my mom could continue. "Mom he's right just sit down and you guys enjoy your family time I'm gonna go to my room okay less drama." "But wh-" "no mom sit and socialize I will go to my room." Before anyone could do anything I went to my room. Well I went to my bathroom.

Why do I have to be like this.






Waist of space


Unwanted....and the list goes on and on and on. I have tears running down my face as I grab my best friend. My shiny best friend. I role up my sleave and look for a place to cut. I cut a lot so I have full arms. Anyway I find a spot and cut.

1 cut for Nash

1 cut for Hayes

8 for everything I have been called.

I clean up my arm and go to sleep.

*next day*

I wake up and automatically go down stairs for breakfast."Hey mom good morning." I say once I get there.
"Good morning sweetheart can you get you brothers up and bring them down I have something to tell them." I nod and head upstairs.

*time skip*

"Okay Nash, Hayes you guys know how you are about to go back on tour. Well me and your father have decided that you are going to take Cody with you." "What no he can't come." Nash yelled. "Yes he can come I talked to Bart. If you do not take him you guys are gonna stay here so what will it be." There was a pause before Hayes yelled "Fine he can come just don't make any of my friends gay." I nod and hug my parents "well go pack you leave tomorrow at 7am." I run upstairs and pack.

*time skip brought to you by Bella*

We all got up around 6 to head to the airport. "Bye mom we love you." I say hugging her goodbye. "We will see you when you get back and BE NICE TO YOUR BROTHER GUYS." My mom says to us as we board the plane. They roll there eyes but I just get ready for flight.

A/N well that is one chapter done I hope you liked it soo yea good bye

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