2.06 The Accident Pt 2

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Cody's POV

I hear the steeady beep of a machine. I slowly open my eyes and see a bright light above me. I try to raise my hand to my eyes but I hit something on my face.... A breathing machine? I put my hand down and look around, my vision clearing up. Why am I in a hospital room?...

The memories of the wreck come flooding back to me. NASH! MATT! HAYES! I frantically sit up, ripping the mask from my face and the cords from my arms. I wince as my feet hit the floor and I let out a whimper, the world flashes with a blur. I feel arms wrap around me trying to get me down and I fight back.

"No!" I yell trying to get to the door. "Cody! Cody, calm down. It's me. It's Jack. Calm down." J.J. says calmly sitting me down on the bed. He keeps his arms wrapped around me until I am fully calm and he helps me lay back down. "Why did you try and get up?" He asks while paiging for a nurse.

"N-Nash... Hayes and Matt. Where are they?" He sighs then nods showing he understands. "They are all okay." I nod and sit up and finally feel the pain in my right arm and leg. Why does my side hurt so bad? I feel someone push my shoulder lightly and I look to see a nurse talking.

"What?" I say. She and j.j. look at me confused "Can you understand me?" I nod and push her hand away. "You need to lay down. You're injured." She says trying again. J.J. comes to my other side and pushes me down as well.

I hit the bed with a whimper and clutching my shoulder. Ther nurse rushes around the bed and quickly puts the I.V. back into me. "What hurts?" She asks feeling around. I let out a yelp ad she pushes between my shoulder blade and she gets the point.

"I'm gonna give you some medication to numb the pain. Is it all along your left side?" I nod and the nurse puts a needle filled with liquid into the line of the I.V.

"it should take a minute to kick in but the pain should subside within 20 minutes." I nod and J.J. thanks her before she leaves. "Where is Nash and Hayes? Ands Matt?!?" I demand. He sighs and sits. "Matt Is in another room. Hayes is with Aaron and Nash is with Cameron. And before you say anything else-" he stops me when I sopen my mouth to speak "-everyone is awake. Cameron is okay they cleaned him up and he's away but he's still in bad condition. Aaron has a concussion. Carter... He's better and he can sit up, Jacob is with him right now. Jack is talking with the Doctors."

I nod, still feeling hazy. "C-Can I go see Matt?" J.J. looks at me hesitantly but nods. "Let me go get a wheelchair." I nod and sit up. J.J. comes back with the chair and helps me into it. I feel slightly panicked when I can't feel my left leg but he tells me it's the medication. I grab the I.V. stand and he pushes me out of the room while I role the stand. We pass at least two rooms until we get to an open door and J.J. roles me into the room. My eyes widen seeing Matt and Jack talking.

Jack turns towards the door hearing us come in and stops talking, putting on a smile. "Hey guys." Matt looks towards us confused then brightens up. "Cody!" He says excited and he motions for me to come over. I look back to J.J. Who pushes me towards Matt. J.J. puts me right beside the bed then goes to talk to Jack. I lean toward and give him a hug, almost pulling him off of the bed.

"Okay okay." He laughs pulling back. "Hello to you to." He says still smiling. I give him a warm smile and look at his cheeck where there is stitches holding together a 2 inch cut. I continue looking him over, seeing all of the cuts and stitching.

Along with some bruising. And that's not even including his legs. I see a hand fly infront of my face and I look to Matt to see him with a slight frown. "Are you okay babe? I've been trying to get your attention for about 5 minutes." I sigh and grab his hands. "I'm okay." I say quietly. "Why are you in a wheelchair?Are the babies okay?" He asks frantic.

"I'm okay calm down. The babies are okay. And I'm in a wheelchair because my left leg is..... injured." He nods and looks towards the door. "Do you want to go to another room? We could go see Cameron. Most of the boys that can walk are there." He states standing. I notice he isn't in a gown like me, he's in a shirt and a sweatpants.

I nod to answer his question and he gets behind me and starts to wheel me out of the room. "Why don't you have an I.V." I ask him. "Well all I needed was a shot filled with medication and I was okay. I mostly had a lot of cuts and bruises. The doctor said I should be fine and how lucky I was to be alive." He lets out a laugh.

"I'm okay tho." He stops out side of a closed door and walks infront of me. "I'm happy your okay." He says knealing down and pulling me from the chair, making me shoot my arms to wrap around his neck. Somehow I stay seated on the edge of the chair, leaning forward to the max. "M-Matt?" I ask shakily. Not willing to move my arms.

"I thought you died." He suddenly sobs. I tighten my gril around him and he keeps talking. "I don't know if J.J. told you this. But y-you were out for 3 days. A-And at the start of the accident no one could find you." I push his shoulders back, shocked, forcing him to look at me.

I see tears falling from his eyes and I wipe them away. "But I'm okay. I'm here now." I wipe away one more tear before pulling him in for a kiss. The tears stop falling from his eyes and he focused more on the kiss, trying to pull me closer as he wraps his arms around me, starting to untie the hospital gown.

I lightly push on his shoulders and pull away from the kiss. "We are in a hallway." I laugh lightly. He sighs with a smile and pecks my lips one more time. I wiggly my way back into the chair and he reties my gown before knocking on the door.

The door opens to reveal a very tired looking Nash. "Hey guys." He says opening the door more so we can role the chair in. When we get into the room we see Aaron with crunches on one side of Cameron, along with Hayes, who has his arm wrapped around Aaron. "Matt and Cody are here." Nash says and the three turn to us with smiles.

"Hello" I wave as we role to the other side of Cameron. "How are you?" I ask as I give him the best hug I can while sitting down. "I'm awake." He laughs "but I am okay. I just need more rest." I nod and Matt perks up "why haven't you gone to sleep yet?" He asks.

Cameron sighs and looks to Nash. "Because I've been trying to get this idiot to go to sleep." Nash groans "I told you I'm fine." Cameron glares "I will get a nurse to sadate you." He threatens. "Fine...I'm sleep. After you." Nash says sassily. Cameron sigh as Hayes and Aaron laugh. "Okay. Okay fine. Pull up a chair." He orders Nash.

I look to Hayes and Aaron "how about we leave these losers alone?" They nod with giggles. I hug Cameron and Nash before heading out of the room with Hayes and Aaron. We shut the door behind us and I'm attacked with a hug from Hayes. "Its so nice to see you awake." He says. He pulls away and is hug Aaron. "Its nice to see most of you guys. Do you know if Shawn and Taylor are awake? Or Carter?" I ask.

"Shawn and Taylor are asleep and Carter I think is asleep to. Jacob is with him so I don't know." I nod. "Well I can see them tomorrow. Thanks guys." They smile "no problem" Hayes says before guiding Aaron to there room. I look back at Matt and smile. "Wanna take a nap in my room?" He smiles "I thought you would never ask." He kisses me on the lips and pulls away to start wheeling us to the hospital room.

~~~~~~~~~~~ \(-.-)/~~~~~~~~

A/N yay! another chapter! Um well I hoped you liked that chapter. If you have any ideas comment or pm me. I am working really hard to write theses next few chapters and hopefully they will last me a bit so yeah. I will slowly be writing chapters.and before I go I want to think some amazing people. These people have voted on all the chapters on this story and my little brother story.... So supportive... *single year* any way go give them a follow they are slimthicknyny3 and izzyb_12 :b I hope you have an amazing day and peace out.

Song: I built a friend by Alec Benjamin


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